
发布时间:2023-12-26 11:07:53 阅读:97 点赞:0

关于”创业“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Start a business。以下是关于创业专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Start a business

According to the least reports, many students start their own businesses for the sake of fute dlopment. Some students open online stores and some students open their own companies. Their teachers and clasates have different views on this phenomenon.

Some people think that having such an expeence can them better adapt to the society after graduation. Another student said, as far as I am concerned, opening a shop may take up too much time and ener of students, But I think doing business is good for students to a certain extent. First of all, running a store can bng some pfits to students.

In this way, students can reduce the bden on their families, becse college tuition is not so cheap. Second, when students do business, they can acquire pfessional knowledge, accounting skills and impve personal communication skills. For example, for running a shop, they can impve their personal communication skills Last but not least, what they learn fm textbooks can give them stren in job ting becse they have relevant expeence in doing business with others, and they can learn how to cooperate with others and become competitive in the job .

In short, I think that students should do business if they have the opportunity. This is a good way to impve their personal ability. The advantages oueigh the disadvantages.




In the increasingly fierce competition in the employment , some asping students have ted to start a business for many years. There have been many succesul cases of College Students' entrepreneship. Colleges and universities and the society should encoage and pmote this attempt.

Entrepreneial students are pioneers of entrepreneship. They will give birth to Chinese entreprenes facing unknown challenges in the fute. When most of their peers work as white-collar workers in high-end office buildings and enjoy stable salaes, they are bold and start a dangeus joney.

Howr, they are the s of their own destiny. In the face of uncertainties and setbacks, they have cultivated persrance. Persrance and indomitable spit are necessary for all great entreprenes.

Even if they fail, they will not lose heart. They will continue to explore new business opportunities and work unremittingly until they become visionary, enterpsing, capable of leadership, and capable People with creativity and innovative spit represent the fute and hope of a country. Not all college graduates are suitable for undertaking entrepreneship pjects.

One needs to have a sound business concept, a feasible business plan, and the charm of a cohesive team. In this team, members can achi a common goal and have effective mament skills And most importantly, the fundamental difference beeen students who dare to compete with powerful competitors and ultimately defeat those who become civil servants of government agencies or key employees of domestic or multinational companies, and those who start their own businesses, are: the former is a docile follower, while the latter is becse of this reason, the entrepreneial college graduates are adable, so they won O respect.




In the new centy, with the reduction of social employment opportunities and the emergence of talents, many college students are faced with great employment presse. Some choose to start their own businesses, some succeed, some can not find stable jobs or start a business. First of all, stable work makes freshmen learn expeence fm their predecessors faster, and lack of contacts and funds, which will not be found by Chinese college students at present One of the important reasons for stable work is that great employment presse is faced not only in China but also in all parts of the world.

The news that Wall Street went bankrupt and the U.S. government closed down made people clearly realize that it is impossible to find a job. Now we should start a business and let entreprenes freely contl their own time to win the respect of others.

Graduates can be their own boss and decide their own career. In recent years, the government has issued policies to encoage graduates to start their own businesses. Therefore, when starting a business succesully, this is a good opportunity to try.

For me, entreprenes should not only win money, but also respect and prestige, and n dream come true. I think a suitable company should be based on its own actual situation, becse it has great sks, not ry one Everyone can bear faile.



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