
发布时间:2023-06-30 04:25:31 阅读:40 点赞:0

关于”珍惜青春和“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Chesh youth and。以下是关于珍惜青春和初三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Chesh youth and

Youth Samuel Ullman Youth is not a peod of life, but a state of mind, not a ruddy cheek, red lips and soft knees, but the vitality of will, imagination and emotion. It is the freshness of the spng of life. Youth means bravery over timidity, and the desire for advente is better than the love of ease.

This desire often exists in a person who can't afford it In the eyes of boys, we gw old just as we gw older by giving up o thoughts. Years may wnkle the skin, but the loss of enthusia wnkles the soul, worry, fear, whether there is a acle in ryone's heart, the unfailing childlike desire for the next step, and the joy of the that lives in you and me, there is a radio station: as long as it receives bety, hope, joy, coage, and fm humanity and fm nothing Limited power, when the antenna is down, you are still young, yo soul is covered with cynical snow and pessimistic ice, then you are old, n if yo antenna is up to catch the waves of optimi, you may die young.




Youth is not a peod of life, it is a state of mind, not sy cheeks, red lips and soft knees. Youth is a matter of will, a quality of imagination and a vigor of emotions. Youth is the soce of life.

Youth means coage over timidity, a desire for advente over love of ease, which often exists in a man younger than a nobody. We give up o ideals and gw old. Years may wnkle the skin, but to give up enthusia wnkles the soul.

No matter whether there is fear, fear and lack of self-confidence in ryone, the mind will be isted and spited into dust. The human heart, the temptation of acles, the endless desire for the next step, and the fun of life s. In the center of yo heart and mine, there is a radio station.

As long as it receives messages of bety, hope, coage and power fm humanity and the infinite, as long as you are young when the antenna is down, yo spit is covered with snows of cynici and ice of pessimi, and then you gw old. Even if you set up the antenna to catch the waves of optimi, there is hope that you will die when you are young.






Time doesn't wait for anyone. If time goes by, it will nr come again. We can't contl o time, but we should know the importance of time.

Chesh time yesterday has become history. We can't do anything to save it. Tomorw is not the range we can reach.

We don't know what will happen tomorw. So the only thing we can do is to chesh what we hold today Yes, fighting for tomorw's victory only belongs to those who work hard. Therefore, we should make full use of today and stve for what we want.



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