
发布时间:2022-11-19 11:54:21 阅读:132 点赞:0

关于”报纸利与弊“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of newspapers。以下是关于报纸利与弊初三英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of newspapers

Nowadays, newspapers are of great value. Everyone should read them. They pvide us with all kinds of news ry day.

They tell us the political situation of the world. If we get into the habit of reading newspapers, we will get enough knowledge to deal with o envinment. As we all know, most people like to read newspapers now.

They read newspapers in their spare time a part. According to the time of publication, there are many kinds of newspapers. We call them daily, ning and weekly.

Among them, people's daily, Guaning Daily and other national newspapers have readers than other newspapers. People's daily is the most important newspaper in China and one of the most popular newspapers in China. At the same time, newspapers can intduce us the la news of politi, economy and military at home and abad thugh reading newspapers.

With the rapid dlopment of modern civilization, we can oain knowledge and baden o vision. We must read newspapers in order to understand what is happening in o country and aund the world so that we can make greater pgress towards the fute.





What about ry fend of mine? I have a good fend Lynn. She is fm England. Now she is in Beijing.

She likes watching movies. She likes Chinese opera best. As for her comedy, she likes China very much.

She thinks China is a great country. She likes to learn about Chinese history. This is about you fm my fend Lin Hao.




(the fute of newspapers) the fute of newspapers: do you lie in the sun and enjoy reading newspapers? Do you sit on the undergund railway and spend yo bong time flipping thugh newspapers? No dou, you may not deny the importance of newspapers as mass media. The first reason I judge is that newspapers pvide us with great convenience, although the emergence of electnic media such as television and comrs pvides us with another way to oain information, their power generation limits their use indoors. Newspapers, on the other hand, can be taken wherr we want to.

In addition, they are all in size and light in weight. We will spare no effort to take them away. Another incomparable advantage of newspaper is that it is not polluted.

It is no exaggeration to say that almost all of these electnic media are harmful to people's health. Take television for example. In the long run, expose to radiation is a kind of pollution, which will damage people's health.

Especially for preant women, radiation will n affect their babies to a certain extent. In contrast, the same thing can be found on comrs, but newspapers are effortless. They are made of natal mateals, so when people read newspapers, there is no pollution and there is no sk of illness.

Electnic media do have some advantages over newspapers. They can give us direct information, not only words, but also sounds and pictes. It is an obvious recoition that newspapers are the media of the past.

Far fm the above ysis, newspapers have some unique advantages over other media. They affirm their populaty and will continue Keep it going.





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