英语最高级的用法总结_Summary of the most advanced usage 3篇

发布时间:2022-04-29 11:40:05 阅读:168 点赞:0

关于”最高级用法总结“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Summary of the most advanced usage。以下是关于最高级用法总结初二英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Summary of the most advanced usage

I think we are lucky to live in China becse we can try different climates in a year. The whole year's work depends on a good start. In spng, in this season, farmers are busy planting seeds, but for me, I don't like this season very much becse it rains.

Summer is my favote season of the year, becse I can travel with my sister Swim and enjoy the sun. Autumn is the most betiful season. You can see the fallen leaves on the street.

This is the most busy season. You can eat a lot of fruits to enjoy the winter. It is quite cold in winter.

But for o children, we can make snowmen with snow, which is another interesting thing we can enjoy.




With the dlopment of economy, people's living standards have been greatly impved. With the impvement of people's living standards, supers have sprung up like mushoms after a spng rain. Especially on weekends, cwds of shoppers flock to the super and ile and take out the harvest commodities.

The advantages of supers stimulate the enthusia of shoppers. First of all, shopping in the super is very convenient. All you need to do is walk yo cart down the aisle and fill yo cart with what you need fm the shelves.





There are three noodle restrants near o school. Generally speaking, they are all Xu's, Zhang's and Wang's. they are all good, but there are differences.

Xu's is the cheapest. Only $/ bowlwang's is expensive than the other o. This is $/ bowl, but their noodle quality is the best, and their is much fendly than other restrants.

Xu's is the worst among the three, so I don't recommend you go there to eat Mead Johnson's noodle shop. It's medium ll for me. I like Wang's best, becse you can get better taste and comfortable expeence by spending a little money than you do.

Which one do you like.



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