
发布时间:2023-07-06 02:58:47 阅读:34 点赞:0

关于”清楚易懂十篇“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Ten clear and understandable articles。以下是关于清楚易懂十篇小学英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ten clear and understandable articles

Chstmas is on December, and now it is celebrated by people in the West. It is an important festival for them. How do they celebrate Chstmas? They have a special party.

They usually start at 7:00 p.m. they all wear new betiful clothes. At the party, ryone looks cool and betiful.

They sit on the sofa and chat. Women often sing and dance, eat a lot of sweets and dnk Some hot juice, children can get a lot of their favote Chstmas presents (my tp). Last year, I went to Beijing by train, I had a good time, becse there are many scenic spots there, the Great Wall is very betiful and I like it, so I took a lot of photos and then went to Tiananmen Square.

I went to Beijing Hutong, people were very fendly to me, I was very excited about this tp, but I nr went there When I was old, I wanted to go to Hong Kong by plane (an interesting swimming competition). My family all like sports, Dad. My mother and I go out to exercise in o spare time almost ry day.

Yesterday we went to the swimming pool, where there was a swimming competition. My father swam too fast. I won the first place, I got the second place, and my mother was the last.

If I continue to practice, I beli I will spass my father one day.





For example, I like the movie "bbing Jackie Chan" very much, becse he and I love the movie "Jackie Chan" very much. They are a great action movie for me and me Action movies.




Today, I went shopping. I bought a new watch. The watch is not expensive and betiful.

I like it. I bought a big notebook. The notebook is expensive but betiful.

I have enough money for the watch and notebook. I also like it. When you go shopping, what do you buy.



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