
发布时间:2023-04-25 11:10:10 阅读:132 点赞:0

关于”工厂oke“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Factory oke。以下是关于工厂oke托福英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Factory oke

What would we do if someone threw and debs on the graves of o deceased relatives, let alone build a huge chemical plant and pollute the envinment? Is it becse the Yellow Emper is too far away fm us, and o ancestors did not use methanol to repduce the ancient bnze, can you copy it.




The world is ch and colorful. O life is inseparable fm the factory. So, what will the factory look like in the fute? The fute of the factory looks sral times larger than it is now.

It is bght and spacious, and the air is fresh. The wall will tomatically light up at night. There is no need for lighting, becse it is a high wall.

It has plenty of sun in the day and the sun light is the same at night. These workers are all bots In the fute, there will be than 2000 buttons in the factory. One button commands the bot to work.

Each button has its own function. Some people in charge of pduction check there to see if there is any virus. Others are repaing others.

The quality of the bot and other les are very familiar, but you have seen the bot in the factory in the fute Body is like a big box. It's so easy becse they are art people with great ability. They are familiar with the concept of working step by step.

The efficiency can be very high. Becse bots can't sleep, you can work day and night. The fute of the factory is great.

I want to learn how to make the fute factory come true.




Almost ry child has seen Disney things, such as Disneyland, the classic cartoon character Mickey Mouse. Disney film company has d many interesting images, most of which accompany the children to gw up. These lovely s are fictional fends who appear on the screen ry day.

Disney Company is a dream factory.



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