
发布时间:2023-05-27 16:37:27 阅读:230 点赞:0

关于”为露营做准备“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Prepare for camping。以下是关于为露营做准备高考英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Prepare for camping

Betiful scenery, exotic culte and leise time all contbute to a perfect joney. Travel can bng us a lot of happiness. People are thinking about how wonderful their joney will be, but preparation is also an interesting part.

Tpliu is a college student. He went to Tibet last week to think about my travel expeence. The preparation is very ful for me.

I have one Long lasting memory Liu said we know that preparation before traveling is very important. It enses people's safety and at the same time, people can have a good time. What should people prepare? People should first draw a detailed ad map.

First, they should see the ute clearly so that they won't get lost. Second, book a hotel early and make se that there is a om available where you go. If people don't, sometimes there will be no om.

Third, check the weather on yo tp to make se it is suitable for yo travel preparation. Preparation before the tp is very important, it determines that you will share How much fun, so don't iore it.




Ready, forget to prepare, forget to be ready, soldiers rush into the forest cannon, ready, ready, soldiers begin to get bored, ready is not enough.




June 7 and 8 ry year is the most important day for Chinese high school students, becse they need to take part in the college entrance examination, which will determine their fute high school students to study for three years. They will do their best to get the highest score, so that they can enter the ideal university of their parents. They want to the best learning envinment for their children They have done a lot of things for their children to them gain time to review their lessons.

Some parents are n led by advertisements to buy vaous kinds of nutments. The most exaggerated situation is that students are injected while learning. All parents and teachers hope that students can get the best results in this big .



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