
发布时间:2024-01-07 12:17:30 阅读:23 点赞:0



(we love sports) (we love sports) ryone in o school likes sports ry morning. After getting up, we do morning exercises. After the second class, we do sports again.

We only have physical education ice a week, but we do sports at 5 p.m. ry day. We have basketball, football and volleyball teams in o school.

O team often has s. Besides ball s, one of us Some people like running, jumping and swimming. We have a sports meeting ry year.




(entertainment and sports) last Fday night, o class and English teacher held an English party in o classom. Some students sang, some danced, some ddles and some told stoes. The best pgrammer was named buy sheep and sell boat, which is by o English teacher and some students fm the drama, the difference beeen us and me, we know o opposite words buy and sell, we should pay attention to pnunciation.

The party was a success and we all had a good time.




Benefits of aebic exercise aebic exercise is a sees of activities that can impve cardiopulmonary function by maintaining it for a long time, including running, cycling, swimming and so on. It is of great benefit to o physical and psychological physiolo. Aebic exercise pmotes o physical health and reduces o pain.

It pmotes o cardiopulmonary function by increasing the expansion and contraction of cardiopulmonary function Yes, it s to resist the presse of long-term labor or overwork, and impve fat consumption and metaboli, which lays a solid foundation for disease prntion. It s o body to maintain a good body shape by consuming too many caloes..



标签: 留学英文名  女孩英文名  小女孩英文名  宠物英文名 

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