有关春天的英语作文_About spring 4篇

发布时间:2022-06-27 11:24:01 阅读:335 点赞:0

关于”有关春天“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:About spng。以下是关于有关春天专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About spng

Weather affects all of us in one way or another. For example, good weather makes people happy, bad weather makes people sick and depressed. On sunny days, one can go out for a walk or play s on rainy days.

Howr, he can only stay indoors. In short, the weather is a part of o lives. The first thing many people do after getting up is to have a look What's the weather like? If the weather is fine, people can arrange their work and life for the day.

If the weather is fine, he may decide to go for a picnic. No matter what the weather is, he always takes his raincoat or umbrella when he leaves home. In order to know what the weather will be like, people will adjust their activities accordingly.

They hire people to pvide this information. They collect data, yze data, and predict the weather in the fute. This information will be published on radio or television, usually very accate.

Thanks to the efforts of those pfessionals, we always know the weather ahead of time and be prepared.




(about spng) spng is a wonderful season. It gets warmer and warmer. People take off their heavy clothes.

Flowers begin to bloom. They are very betiful and lovely. Trees begin to tn green.

Birds begin to sing here and there. It is often the wind. Many people take their children to the park.

They like to fly kites and watch the grass gw. Butterflies and bees are flying. They are also very happy.

I like spng very much, becse it is very interesting and betiful.




Spng is a wonderful season. The weather is getting warmer and warmer. People take off their heavy clothes and the flowers begin to bloom.

They are very betiful and lovely. The trees be to tn green, and the birds be to sing here. There was often wind.

Many people take their children to the park. They like flying kites, watching the grass gw, butterflies and bees flying. They are also very happy.

I like spng very much becse it is very interesting and betiful.



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