
发布时间:2022-10-10 01:48:53 阅读:112 点赞:0

关于”五篇短“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Five short articles。以下是关于五篇短小学英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Five short articles

Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my clasates gave me presents. My mother prepared a tea party for me. I invited them all to attend the tea party.

At 6:30, we had cold dnks and snacks, talking and lghing. We thought we were the hst people in the world. I like the Spng Festival than any other festival.

It's a time for rest and joy. I don't need to study. I wear clothes and eat Good food.

I have a good time fm morning to night. I am as happy as a king. I like Spng Festival than I do at the beginning of the holiday.

When I come back to my hometown, I must make good use of it. In the morning, I review my lessons and read newspapers and magazines. In the afternoon, I play ball s with my fends and go fishing in the ver in the ning.

I watch TV with my family. When I was sleeping, the clock on the wall didn't stke ten times, I lived very well. This morning, I was very happy and the weather was very good.

I climbed the mountain with my family. The air on the mountain was very fresh. The flowers and trees on the mountain were very betiful at night.

My family and I sat together and watched TV. We chatted and ate fruits while we came back. The whole family was very happy and harmonious Schools make teaching and learning interesting.

Students can get information and knowledge in the classom. Students and teachers can send e-mail to all over the world on the Internet. They can also get the la news fm the Internet.

O long-term teaching makes it possible. Who has a comr to teach in o school.





Today, I went to the park by bus. Someone was waiting for the bus at the station. A little girl came and ryone looked at her.

She was very shy. I don't know her name. But I think I met her suddenly before.

She tned to me and said, "you remember me. I'm yo new clasate. I'm Mary." Oh, my God.

She's really my new fend. O country is China. It's very big in China The famous Chinese National Palace Museum is very busy ry day.

It looks like the five betiful National Palace Museum of China. It is very betiful for o father to walk on the Chinese National Palace Museum Ben likes to walk to work, becse it's good for his health. My father often works until midnight.

When he comes home, he feels very tired. He likes reading books. His favote book is story books.

He also likes cooking. He is good at cooking. Sometimes he makes delicious food for my mother and me.

Today I talk about my father. My father's name is Xie Weig. He is tall and thin this year.

He is tall and thin. He is tall and tall. He likes it He is a leader of the volleyball team.

My father likes to sf the Internet and QQ. He uses the comr ry day. He often uses the comr until the ning.

He often listens to my English. I like my father. You know my father, I have a cat.

It is a lovely cat. Her name is Dongdong. Her hair is black and white.

She is my best fend. I like her very much. I often tell her stoes, I think She understood me becse when I said it, she would jump up, her story.




I went on a school tp with my clasates last week. We went to Mount Tai. We went there by bike in the morning.

We got to the foot of the mountain, and then we climbed up the mountain. We also took some betiful pictes and played some s. The mountain is so betiful that we all had a good time.

My name is Tom. I'm a year old. I'm in class o, grade sn.

I think I'm a good student. I get up at six ry morning. I run half an ho after breakfast.

I go to school by bike. I study hard. I like reading and playing basketball.

You want to be my fend. Kate was very busy on Satday morning last weekend. She got up very early.

She did her homework in the morning. In the afternoon, she played bton with her fends After the ball, they went to the cinema for dinner and a movie. After dinner, she went for a walk with her family.

She went to bed at ten o'clock, dear Jane. I wte to you at home. I had a good time.

I got home safely. My parents met me at the airport. I told them about Canada.

They thank you and yo family for taking good care of me. I had a good time in Canada. I hope you can one day Come to China, I will show you aund my city.

Please wte back as soon as possible. Animals are o fends, so we should ptect animals. But today, many animals are facing great danger.

They are losing their homes becse of people's activities. For example, people cut down many trees and animals have no place to live. O human beings should stop cutting down trees, and we should also It's time to stop polluting the envinment.

We can build zoos to ptect animals and let us live on the earth together.





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