介绍兰州的英语作文_Introduce Lanzhou 3篇

发布时间:2022-04-29 11:39:48 阅读:257 点赞:0

关于”介绍兰州“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Intduce Lanzhou。以下是关于介绍兰州初二英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce Lanzhou

Lanzhou is the capital of Gansu Pvince. It is located in the geometc center of China's land tertory. The north and South Mountains of the city s the Yellow River fm east to west.

The city is located in the upper reaches of the Yellow River. It has a temperate continental climate. There is no sre cold in winter and no heat in summer.

It has fo distinct seasons. It is suitable for living. The annual average precipitation is mm, the annual average temperate is centigrade, and the annual average holy sun is eda5eaaf The number of hos, fst free peod than days of ban trees: locust flower: Rose Lanzhou is the only city as the Yellow River in the Yellow River, but after the pvincial capital city, banization is close to the mountains and vers, betiful mountains and vers, forming a unique and betiful ban landscape, highlighting the charactesti of ban landscape.

At present, we are speeding up the implementation of the comprehensive dlopment pject of mountain envinment, greening, o tos of the Yellow River culte, ban section of the Yellow River The combination of the construction mileage of ads and bdges, the construction of embankments, the dredging of waterway, the dlopment of toust attractions, the ban architectal style, greening and betifying lighting, and the Silk Road culte are combined. The Yellow River culte and the Yellow River culte are the epitome of Lanzhou Yellow River Basin people.




My hometown in Lanzhou, betiful scenery, there are betiful Wuquanshan and baidashan, the railway is like a rainbow as the Yellow River, the Yellow River fo miles of a charming scenery to pvide people with spng tou and leise warmth, Wuquan mountain ice and snow melting, walking in the park willows and streams complement each other, getting closer and closer to Dingding mountain spng flowers in full bloom singing, park, fragrance Most people may like this season's summer. The sun is bght and the yacht is covered with trees. Maybe this winter, the north wind is cold, the snowflakes are flying, and the scenery is pleasant.

The animals hide in the house, but the children are afraid of the cold. They go skating, make snowmen and have snowfights. I prefer tumn in Lanzhou.

Every tumn, the sky in Lanzhou is so high. When you walk in the public In the garden, listening to a sees of spinning squeak sound, watching the blue sky floating on the dolomite in full bloom, you will think of a lot.




Lanzhou beef noodle was founded in the Guangxu peod. It is the son of Ma Baohui. In nearly 100 years, it is famous for its bowl in Jincheng, and famous for its tten meat and flo quality.

Dung the peod of enteng China, Ma Baosen and many subsequent chefs who joined in the beef noodle soup were wise and painstaking. Bee the beef noodle soup was delicious and affordable, it was not only well-known in Lanzhou, but also in Buxi There are many places in Lanzhou beef noodle shops in northern pvinces. Howr, as soon as you get out of Lanzhou beef noodles, you need to get thentic beef noodles or beef noodles in Lanzhou.

Visitors to Maand should taste Lanzhou beef noodles with "one clear, o white, three red, fo green and five yellow", or beer gas, wine color, sweet radish, pe white slices, red pepper, oil and coander. According to the thickness, the fresh green noodles can be divided into large width, wide width, red pepper, oil and vegetable Wide, thin, o all, capillary, leek leaf, bdge type, such as hand drawing the scene of wheat noodles into a bowl, less than o minutes to do, and then po the beef soup, white film, mixed with red pepper oil, green vegetables, coander, the food is amazing.



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