
发布时间:2024-03-14 09:29:32 阅读:281 点赞:0

关于”人应该和动物和谐相处“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:People should live in harmony with animals。以下是关于人应该和动物和谐相处雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:People should live in harmony with animals

Now we are going to talk about the harmony beeen human beings and birds in nate. Birds bng infinite joy to human beings. At a sad time, I heard the birds singing this song in the branches with thousands of clear voices.

They were so sad that they suddenly forgot behind us. They were intoxicated by the betiful songs. Some people heard the betiful birds' voices, and no one could singing again.

This is not the case Happy feeling, only really appreciate can understand, then perhaps you will feel that you are the most enjoy people in the world, birds are very art, very fendly, can catch fresh pests, can catch voles, can also bng happiness, just this, we will get along with birds  yes, becse animals live in harmony, ryone should have the moral quality in the eyes of others, while animals and Harmony is good, but I think the harmonious coexistence of people and birds has good advantages. The advantage of ptecting birds is the ecological envinment. In winter, it is not good.

Some birds will bng pathogens to human beings. In winter, the birds will migrate to the warm south of the north to spend the winter. For example, in Northwest Libea, when winter comes, the seagulls will "spng all the year und" in Kunming Ding the winter, many people like to see a lake.

There are only lovely white balance gulls. But what is the reason? People should know that seagulls are lovely, but they have bactea on their bodies. Coupled with the natal cold, it is easy for people to stand in the cold lake.

Human fends birds do not want to bng pathogens to human beings. They also want to live in harmony with human beings. Generally speaking, birds are human fends The harmony beeen man and bird is the guarantee of ecological balance.




I think we should get along harmoniously in getting along with fends. Harmony makes o fendship permanent and reduces the occrence of conflicts. In the interaction beeen students and colleagues, harmony is important.

Other people are polite, honest and kind. In this way, we will win many good people. These unhappy contacts will happen in the fute, and us solve many pblems.

One with good intentions will us solve pblems Succesul people, for themselves to win opportunities and success, so, good people.




In the morning, the sun is showing a all half face, like a shy little girl "an ORF" dog happily gets up. He gets up on time like a clock ry day, and wakes up before dawn. I get up, go upstairs first, stretch out my legs, bend down, and do morning exercises.

When dog Huanhuan runs up, it is the first time to rub my feet with my feet, and there is a voice coming fm the hum, needless to say, that is When I had breakfast, I came out of a bowl. Before I had time to put soup and food, the all bowl had already been eaten. Fm time to time, it was like saying, "thank you, little ." in the afternoon, the sun was shining and the breeze was blowing gently on the adside trees.

I stayed at home bored. He found that he was lying on the gund and sleeping late.



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