
发布时间:2023-04-18 17:17:30 阅读:144 点赞:0

关于”我晚餐菜单“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:My dinner menu。以下是关于我晚餐菜单xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My dinner menu

Barbecue: oginal asted prawns, salted vegetables, fed beef, fed white fish, ast meat, charcoal fire carp flower glled plate, white fish (bulk fish) Xin barbecue pot: breast sashimi fed Korean pickles asted eglant, Starbucks oil came here in the past when the eggs and yolk stones were asted with beef and beans, bean sputs, miscellaneous yam pancakes, beef wings, raw fish slices, fed chicken pie, fed shmp, fed chicken legs, soft knees Bone Chef: Yang boiled bean cd head cooked meat chef anomodontaceeaexin cooked beef inines salad whole uncovered tomato salad specialty potato salad Jinsha La pinahe salad oked meat Japanese cuisine wine Mr. kuuma bottled glass glass glass of a few days' sun setting bottle of potato glass bottle of Sargasso soup bottle of mashing potato glass wine of youth pe sweet ce wine bottle of white crane spicy taste glass wine / wine bottle of other raw beer and fruit Plum wine, lemon plum, tea, orange juice, onin oolong tea, milk puff (cup) noodles (eggs, Ukrainian Dongshan pear (egg) Dongshan pear (egg) Dongshan pear (egg) Dongshan pear (egg) Dongshan pear (egg) Dongshan pear (egg) Dongshan pear (egg) Dongshan pear (egg), fed bean cd (tofu) noodles, chicken noodles, Chinese noodle soup, chicken soup, ce pot, ce, ast meat, chicken ce, chicken tea, Korean pickles, fed ce, chicken ce (salt, juice), one person, clam, clam, clam, cholestel mixed with oxtail soup.




Arrange a big meal for yo family how to stay healthy give you a timetable. This is yo breakfast after you get up. Please eat an apple with boiled eggs (cut a all piece of apple for an apple) and po it into the insect water.

You will get an apple juice dnk CJ. This is yo lunch, a cup of banana and milk juice, part of which you can sometimes have some chicken. This is yo dinner You can have some ce, you should have some meat (chicken, please have an egg, you can have some preserved eggs, this is yo lunch and o or three steamed bread, this is yo own breakfast, you can dnk a glass of apple juice, you can give yo family a big meal how to keep healthy Mill Bwn has a good dream when you get up, you can Sometimes you can eat some chicken, part of the salad is healthy, apples (cut a all piece of apple for an apple) po into the insect water to give you a schedule, good ning dnk a glass of banana and milk juice, eat fish, but you also need to exercise, if not a suitable meal can make you healthier, sleep better, eat vegetables.

Most of the time, you should understand the pnciple of staying healthy. You should be on this schedule. This is yo dinner.




My new year's Eve dinner my whole family enjoyed a great dinner becse so many relatives seldom get together. My best fends, uncles, nts and cousins came to have dinner with us. Of cose, it took almost the whole afternoon to prepare the dishes.

It was an opportunity to show my mom and my nt's cooking skills, and we ted to them do something, but what we got was "go to play", and I'm glad to hear that a dinner not "to do yo homework" was so good, ryone enjoyed it, and their stomach overloaded dinner was so wonderful and new year.



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