感谢的英语怎么写_thank 5篇

发布时间:2022-07-04 15:30:17 阅读:111 点赞:0



When we are in school, o life is full of competition. We always want to be the best students and win the praise of teachers in o work. We not only have to compete with colleagues, but also need to beat other companies to make pfits.

Competitors are rywhere, which s us become stnger when we compete with o competitors. The knowledge we gain is the winner, and we will be motivated To impve oselves so that we can have an advantage over others. It is not good for people to lack competitors, becse a comfortable envinment will make us lose the motivation to move forward.

A good opponent can also be o fends in the pcess of competition. For example, in a debate, when both sides have different opinions and defend their own views, if the opponent breaks the embarrassing situation with a ile and humor, Show that it's a good conversation, then you won't lose yo temper, it's learning, it's easy to relate to personal emotions, we should be grateful to o opponents, becse we need to keep impving or we will be kicked out.




Honey| Mr. X, I'm wting to say thank you for teaching us something we need to learn, for being with us when we encounter any pblems, for yo dedication and williness to us, for yo love for us. I am very lucky to have a teacher like you.

No matter what kind of person I will be, you will always influence me and you will teach me How I learn, how to live, and n how to be a man. I learned fm you what kind of person I want to be, what I should get fm life, which means rything to me, dear teacher, no matter you always have a special place in my heart, I will remember what I learned fm you and bng knowledge to my life. Happy New Year.


亲爱| X先生,我写这封信是想说谢谢你教给我们一些我们需要学习东西,感谢你在我们遇到任何问题时候一直陪伴在我们身边,感谢你奉献和愿意帮助我们,感谢你对我们爱我很幸运有一个像你这样老师,不管我会成为什么样人,你会一直影响着我,你教会了我如何学习,如何生活,甚至如何成为一个男人。我从你身上学到了我想成为什么样人,我应该从生活中得到什么,这对我来说意味着一切,亲爱老师,无论你在我心中永远都有一个特殊位置,我会记住我从你那里学到东西把知识带到我生活中新年快乐。


(gratitude) thank you for not getting rything you want. If you do, when you don't know what, there is something to be grateful for, becse it gives you the opportunity to learn to be grateful. When you gw up, thank you for yo limitations, becse they give you opportunities to impve.

Thank you for yo mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons when you are tired and tired Thank you when you're tired, becse it means you're different. It's easy to thank the good things, a full life, to those who are grateful for setbacks, and find a way to be grateful for yo tubles.

They will become yo blessing.




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