
发布时间:2023-12-15 03:42:47 阅读:214 点赞:0

关于”冬奥会志愿者申请信“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Winter Olympic volunteer application letter。以下是关于冬奥会志愿者申请信高考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Winter Olympic volunteer application letter

Volunteer o belief in toi exploration is that in order to make the world a better place, there is still a lot to do - no one can do anything, but each of us can do something we need to do, find something that can move us and put it into action - all the s you see on o website are based on seeing the needs and putting them into action People initiated the establishment of schools, the establishment of ptected areas, the establishment of animal shelters, the cultivation of oc food and so on.




Dear Olympic Commi, I am wting to apply for yo volunteer position. I am very interested in the work of a jonalist. Li Hua is 16 years old.

I am a student of Beijing No.2 Middle School. I am very cheerful and lively. I like to make fends with people.

I want to get a job as a jonalist. Becse I like to report some useful things, my favote sports are skating and swimming, so I often work in Beijing Go skating or swimming with my fends on weekends, which s me to have a sharp mind, work day and night with a fast speed and stng body. I won the first pze in the school English speech con when I was 14 years old.

When I was still me, I also won the second pze of the English speech con in o city. If I get this job, I will work hard and contbute to the London Olympic Games. I look forward to yo early reply, Li Hua.




My name is Li Hua. I am fm China. I live in Yantai this year.

I love the envinment. I won the first pze in the "envinment" knowledge con. I can intduce the language to foreiers fluently.

If I can join the world envinmental ptection ozation, I will try my best to do the following work, take it seously and do a good job in the envinment Ptect the work and prnt the damage to the envinment as much as possible. I hope the world will become cleaner and envinmentally fendly.



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