
发布时间:2023-10-24 02:48:20 阅读:44 点赞:0

关于”学习中“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:I am learning。以下是关于学习中xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I am learning

Everyone is very good, there are a lot of fends learning English, eat a lot, but do not enter the door, I feel that their English learning and application is not enough, maybe it is a pblem, I hope you talk about this pblem, these fends, common pgress, there are many ways to learn English, but I think that hard work is the most important you, listening carefully in class is very ful to yo study if you study If you have difficulties, you can ask yo teacher to you with yo class. You should finish yo homework independently. If you can't solve the pblem, you should look it up in the dictionary for the ppose of solving the pblem.

Of cose, if you want to learn English well, you are good at learning grammar. I personally think it is difficult to learn grammar, but I learned a little later. Now, my English learning has impved a lot, but I will try my best to persist in it.




As students, we often encounter many difficulties, so how to deal with these difficulties is very important for us. First of all, I think we should talk to o fends or family members and share o difficulties with them, so that they can give us some suggestions. Secondly, we should talk with o teachers to win their support and .

Thirdly, we should solve these pblems oselves. Finally, we should learn fm books, becse practice makes perfect.




Many foreiers may be confused about how to learn Chinese, but as a Chinese, it is not a difficult pblem. First of all, to learn Chinese, we should start fm remembeng Chinese characters, so that we can read the next article fluently. We should read things, which can fther impve o English ll, but it can What's , we should wte and speak Chinese in o daily life.

Practice can make o Chinese better. I beli that if you follow my advice, you will do better in Chinese.



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