
发布时间:2022-11-21 08:46:16 阅读:185 点赞:0

关于”电脑带来影响“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The impact of comrs。以下是关于电脑带来影响高考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The impact of comrs

Comr is an electnic device, which is used in almost all fields, n in the most unexpected fields. That's why this era is called the information age. Now we can't imagine a world without comrs.

Now the comr is not only a tool for engineers and scientists, but also used by millions of people all over the world. Comr is now very important becse it is very accate, fast and can easily complete many tasks, otherwise it will take time to complete these tasks manually. It can do very large calculations in just a few seconds, and it can store a lot of data.

We can also get different kinds of information on o comrs thugh the Internet. This technolo is pgressing in industry. At home, it is necessary for ryone to the basic knowledge of comrs.





I would like to talk about my views on the Internet. More and students are using the Internet. Thugh the Internet, they can get a lot of up-to-date information.

They can enjoy the coses fm the best online school teachers in China. It is very easy and convenient to keep in touch with fends by sending and receiving e-mails online. On the other hand, some students spend too much time on the Internet Chatting, but there are still some things harmful to students.

For example, comr s are very popular among young students, which makes them lose contl. They spend most of their time playing comr s instead of studying. In my opinion, this has led to a sharp decline in their grades.

I suggest that students should be good at using the Internet to study. As long as they keep a balance, rything will be OK.




Recently, some news said that in a few years, the college entrance examination English examination will be cancelled or occupy an unimportant part, which is a big news for students, becse we are students, we have to learn English ry day, so many students are struggling for English, for me, English has become a part of my life, I have been learning English, it has always been my major Howr, for some students, especially boys, they don't like English and want to spend time on other subjects. This reform is good for them. The fact is that o education attaches great importance to English, and Chinese has been iored for a long time.

Some students are good at English but not good at Chinese. As a Chinese, the reform also makes us pay attention to the cultivation of Chinese.



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