
发布时间:2023-04-26 04:02:02 阅读:116 点赞:0

关于”文化输出“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Chinese culte export。以下是关于文化输出小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Chinese culte export

Chinese people have been dnking tea for 4000 years. There are many kinds of Chinese tea. Among them, Longjing tea is very famous in the world.

People usually use porcelain teapots to dnk tea. Dnking tea is a habit of Chinese people, and dnking tea is a common meal. People often dnk tea in teahouses and restaants.

Dnking tea at home or ding work and rest time is good for health, refreshing and anti-cancer of green tea.




a: Dghter B: Mom a: Mom, I like eating zongzi very much. Do you know how it came fm? B: Well, let me tell you the ogin of zongzi. People eat Zongzi to commemorate the death of the poet Wu Yuan.

A: Mum, who is Wuyuan? B: Wuyuan was a senior official of the ancient state of Chu. He killed himself in the ver. A: why do people remember suicide B: Wuyuan is a patotic person, becse Chu lost A: Oh, I see B: honey, this is the ogin of the Dragon Boat Festival and zongzi.

There is another legend about the ogin of the Dragon Boat Festival. A: tell me B: this festival is a traditional Chinese festival to celebrate the harvest of winter wheat. People sit on the boat boat Visiting fends' family after harvest a: mummy, you are very good.

You know a lot about the Dragon Boat Festival. Who told you about it? B: my father told me that today, many people celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival, which is the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, also known as the double five Festival. A: how popular is it? Festival B: many countes are also celebrating this festival.

A: Japan, Ma, Hong Kong and Singapore. Japan n defines it as a country Holiday a: Thank you, mom. Now I understand the story behind the Dragon Boat Festival.


a: 女儿b:a:,我很喜欢吃粽子你知道它是怎么来:嗯,让我告诉你粽子起源人们吃粽子是为了纪念诗人武元去世a:咪,谁是婺源乙:婺源是古代楚国一位高官,他在河里自杀了a:为什么人们会记住自杀人b:婺源是一个爱国人,因为楚国输掉了一场重要战斗,人们坐在龙舟上把鱼吓跑了,所以才把自己淹在河里那五元身体是不会被吃掉a:哦,我看到b:亲爱,这就是端午节和粽子起源还有另一个传说关于端午节起源a:告诉我b:这个节是传统庆祝冬小麦丰收节人们坐在龙舟上看望朋友丰收后家人甲:咪,你太好了,你对端午节很了解,谁告诉你这些事b:我告诉我,今天,很多人庆祝端午节,也就是农历xx月初五,也叫双五节a:这有多受欢迎b节:很多国家也在庆祝这个节a:、澳门、和新加坡甚至把它定为国定假a:谢谢,现在我终于明白端午节背后故事了。


Spng Festival in China's most important festival is the Spng Festival, for Chinese people also known as the Chinese New Year. To Westerners, Spng Festival is as important as Chstmas. The date of the Spng Festival is determined by the lunar calendar instead of the Gregoan calendar.

Therefore, Chinese festivals vary fm the end of January to the beginning of February. The festival actually starts on the of the Lunar New Year and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar. Howr, it is usually called the Lantern Festival.

In many parts of China, the Spng Festival is the most important and popular festival in China. Before the Spng Festival, people usually clean and decorate their houses and go to the flower to buy flowers. Ding the Spng Festival, s usually give children lucky money to get together for a big meal of ce.

Some people have dumplings for dinner.




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