
发布时间:2022-10-15 10:14:14 阅读:189 点赞:0

关于”如何度过我生活“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:How to spend my life。以下是关于如何度过我生活初三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to spend my life

At the beginning of the summer vacation, I went back to my hometown. Of cose, I must make good use of it, otherwise I will inc the displease of my parents. I review my lessons in the morning, read newspapers or magazines in the afternoon, play ball s with my fends, or go fishing in the ver and watch TV with my family in the ning (when I go to bed, my family hardly make the clock on the wall stke ten times.




When the weekend comes, ryone is very happy, becse they don't need to work, they can do what they want to do, some people will choose to stay at home and watch TV all the time, some people will choose to go shopping, and for me, I like to go out to see different things, refresh my heart, I always make some plans for my weekend, sometimes I will invite my fends to the movies or us I like to go out to eat delicious food. Watching movies is like reading a book. My mind will get something.

I will feel satiied. Eating delicious food is my most frequent thing. I like to find new food and invite my fends to enjoy it.

We will eat delicious food while talking happily. I am very busy fm Monday to Fday. I don't have much time to exercise On weekends, I will go hiking with my fends.

We will take a little food, take a backpack, go to the park or betiful mountains, we can enjoy the betiful scenery, at the same time, exercise o body. My weekend is full of plans, I enjoy them.




Next year, I will be pmoted to the third grade of junior high school. I will learn to make reasonable plans and make reasonable arrangements. I will make full use of my spare time and listen carefully after class.

I will sum up carefully. I will take my life in grade three seously.



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