
发布时间:2024-02-11 18:10:08 阅读:92 点赞:0

关于”传统音乐重要“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The importance of traditional music。以下是关于传统音乐重要四级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The importance of traditional music

At present, there are all kinds of translation sofare. Some people think it is not necessary to learn a forei language. 3 in my opinion, some people think that parents should not read their children's diaes.

Social neork is a very important part of life. How to make a good impression on you? In recent years, pandemic influenza, avian influenza and other infectious diseases frequently threaten us How to contl the spread of infectious diseases.




Among all the things we eat and dnk, water is the most important. We can live without food for many days, but o or three days without water usually cses death. But not all people understand this.

They keep thwing garbage into vers or lakes. Some factoes n po waste water into vers. Many vers and lakes have become abnormal Often dirty, people's dnking water is no longer safe.

Let's try o best to keep the water clean to save oselves.




Why plants are important today I'm at home and I talked to my family about plants. I know why plants are so important to us. We have a lot of plants nd us.

We can't do without plants. You know why let me tell you that plants clean the air. It's fun to walk among trees.

We can also get food fm apples, oranges and other plants. Corn, wheat and ce are all plants We can also use trees like chairs to make and build things, beds and houses. We can sit under trees, cover the soil in the shade of trees in summer.

Plants prnt wind and water fm taking away the soil. All plants absorb ener fm the sun and tn it into food. People and other animals need food to svive.

So we need plants. Plants are very important.



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