
发布时间:2022-11-03 08:20:34 阅读:158 点赞:0

关于”参加party“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Attend a party。以下是关于参加party初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Attend a party

Dear Li Ming, I'm glad you can attend o party before you leave. I want to tell you one thing. You should wake up first.

Please bng some gifts, such as wine or chocolate, and be se to arve at the party on time or earlier. It's always polite to praise the food at a party. Don't stay too long after dinner.

Please say thank you to the host when you leave. I sincerely hope that we can all have a good time at the party.




How are you doing? I miss you very much ry day. You remember I'm Liu Xin. Now I'm 60 years old.

But tomorw is my snth English day. I'm going to have a big Btish Day party at home. Would you like to come? I really hope you can come so that we can play and sing together.

This is the happy time of the Btish Day party. It starts at 12:00 p.m. and ends at 2:00 p.m Many fends and teachers, my mother will make all kinds of delicious food for us.

If you want to attend o UK Day party at last, please don't bng any food. Please send me an email to tell me yo choice, yo sincety, Liu Xin, June.




Last night, before I went to my fend's birthday party, I was confused about what kind of gift to buy, becse I wanted to make it special. I chose a betiful pen for her. When my fend saw me coming, there was a lovely picte on it.

She was so happy that I could share my happiness with her. We sang her birthday song and played an interesting . The person who lost the would be punished for losing a .

Then I was asked to ask a stranger for his phone number. I felt embarrassed. I didn't dare to speak.

I summoned up the coage to ask a boy, but although he was rejected, I still finished the task. I had a good time at my fend's birthday party.



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