
发布时间:2023-06-09 03:15:28 阅读:373 点赞:0

关于”组织志愿者活动“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Oze volunteer activities。以下是关于组织志愿者活动xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Oze volunteer activities

My name is Li Hua. I am fm China. I live in Yantai this year.

I love the envinment. I won the first pze in the "envinment" knowledge con. I can intduce the language to foreiers fluently.

If I can join the world envinmental ptection ozation, I will try my best to do the following work, take it seously and do a good job in the envinment Ptect the work and prnt the damage to the envinment as much as possible. I hope the world will become cleaner and envinmentally fendly.




Application letter dear volunteer: I heard that the school will recruit new volunteers to children's Hospital in the summer vacation. I'm interested in it and want to apply for the job. First of all, I have some reasons.

As a volunteer, it is very meaningful to participate in this activity. I can to do a lot of work, and I can also take care of sick children. I am looking forward to finding a long strate to express my love for the society.

It is very necessary to repay the society. I think this is the last but not the most important one. I can also raise it in my work I can learn how to communicate with others, how to take care of others and how to deal with emergencies.

First of all, I would like to get this long march. If I am lucky enough to participate in the Long March, I will try my best to pve that my commitment is yos, Li Hua.




Title: as a volunteer, how to contl haze? O school will oze students to contl air pollution. When we heard the news, we were all very excited becse we suffered fm sre haze. We were asked to volunteer.

So Mark said that he wanted to stand by the street and check the license plate to see which one could dve. In order to reduce the car exhst emissions, John said he would like to lead A gup stopped barbecue in the street to reduce oking, but most of us couldn't do it becse volunteer Lily said on behalf of all of us: unless I can become a big government office, I'm just a body filter with lungs.



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