
发布时间:2024-02-24 06:45:23 阅读:27 点赞:0

关于”我父母爱好“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My parents' hobbies。以下是关于我父母爱好专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My parents' hobbies

My favote hobbits have many hobbies, such as reading, skating, watching TV, but reading is my favote hobby. I like reading for three reasons. First of all, the book intduces me to a new world, which is colorful and has no limitation of time and .

Thugh reading, I can trace back to ancient Ept, the cradle of human civilization. It can bng me to the United States Second, reading can let me see a new vision in the past few years. Most of my knowledge is oained fm the books on science, politi and thought that I have learned fm many people.

Third, reading builds a bdge beeen my dream and my goal. In order to achi success in my fute career, I have learned a lot fm books on science, politi and thought I have to read constantly, think and practice reading has become a part of my life. I spend some time in the ning reading books, newspapers and magazines.

Without novels, it is difficult for me to go to steep places.




I had a basketball dream. A long time ago, as far as I know, there was a stng, unbreakable bond beeen the basket, the ball and me. Have you r seen a stage without pps, ctains or actors? In my mind, fm a distance, conquest and rules, I heard balloons thumping on the m floor, and I was very satiied.

My gry heart was pounding, and my thoughts were counting with it. The voice became louder and louder. When I walked out of the dark and entered the lime pool, there was a flash.

I saw a light and bke away fm the darkness. It was a familiar face, the face of my trusted teammates and fends. My heart is here.

I am a loyal postman. What he delivers fm there is always accate and on time. I tn nd When he came out of the spotlight, there was no reason to look back.

When he went to clean up, the whole place suddenly became quiet. When I heard the raindps falling, I could almost see the pples on the tennis cot. The final buzzer went off, and the dience went crazy.

Bond got stnger becse my teammates, o fans, became part of the unbreakable bond.




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