
发布时间:2024-01-03 09:55:58 阅读:184 点赞:0

关于”我最幸福一天“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:My hst day。以下是关于我最幸福一天初中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My hst day

Year old is a season of parting. My clasates and I were lucky to meet each other. This year, we sang "Congge" together.

But I didn't wait for my age. The memory of my clasates has faded a lot. This year, I adjusted it for many years.

In addition to my fends, no one told me that Philip said, "don't take one. Go after my secret. To whom?" Said "sweet said:" always together "why not so easy to go," Zhang feimin sweet said: "remember o commitment Oh, I remember o commitment" composition neork home memory is always betiful, I like the silence of the night, recall the past, open my heart to share precious memoes, only to find that I am so happy, yo memoes are so happy, very happy Active, I still remember that spng and my fends fly kites in fnt of the steps of spng.

The wind blows gently. The we fly the line in o hands, the longer we fly until we see that the kite is far away fm us. The touch and kite in my memory should be ght.

There is no wind. When the kite flies high, there is no wind. The wind may be very monotonous.

I yearn for it when I was in junior high school, After enteng junior high school, I had a good time with my clasates, often regardless of you and me. That time was the hst time for me, but the good time, I bke up with them, I really miss the sky at that time, there are no clouds, always blue, but now it is different, now I have some melancholy, some sadness actually composed, those precious memoes in my mind and Not so many, some memoes have faded, but some memoes just arved in my mind but moved those people. The happy collection will continue forr.

Even if we are old one day, maybe we will also collect a TV sees "sweet home" with betiful memoes.




(my hst day) yesterday was my 13th birthday. My parents held a birthday party for me. I invited my fends to my birthday party.

My parents bought new clothes and some books for my birthday. When I put on my new clothes, I felt so happy. When all my fends came, my mother bught delicious food and a big birthday cake for me My fends sang, "happy gave me some presents, and then we be to eat.

This is my hst day. I am now old. Yesterday was my birthday.

My parents had a birthday party. I invited some fends to the morning. My mother got up early and started cooking.

My father ed her cook. They were too busy to talk to me. When all my fends arved, my mother bught delicious food My father gave me new clothes and some books as gifts.

I was moved to tears. My fends sang birthday songs for me and gave me some presents. I had a wonderful birthday.




My happy day today is Fday. I get up at 6:30 in the morning. At 6:40, I make my bed, wash my face and brush my teeth.

My father prepares breakfast. I eat breakfast at 6:45. I eat pordge and noodles at 7:00.

I de my father's motorcycle to school. We have fo classes in the morning and o classes in the morning. At 12:00 in the afternoon, I am very gry.

I have lunch at school in the afternoon and I go home to put it at 6:00 After school, I do my homework. Dad, mom and I have dinner at 7:00. My mom and I watch TV at 8:00.

Then I wash my face and brush my teeth in the ning. I want to go to bed at 10:20. Tomorw is also a happy day for me.



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