
发布时间:2024-03-02 14:42:33 阅读:32 点赞:0

关于”媒体中暴力对人影响“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The impact of violence in the media on people。以下是关于媒体中暴力对人影响xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The impact of violence in the media on people

The issue of media violence has not disappeared. The debate about its impact on the occrence of violent cmes has been pmoted by the sniper mania in the shooting incidents in the United States and high schools. I personally think that the government does not need to regulate media violence, or it can reduce violent cme by doing so.

violence is the least culpable among violent cmes, on the contrary, it is Even played an educational le, such as the well-known rescue Pvate Ryan, no one will deny that the frequent violence in the film reminds us that depicting violence can achi artistic and moral pposes, and make o life easier. Fear and anger are unbearable feelings in o hearts, and we are frustrated when oppressed media violence makes it possible for us to maliciously vent this emotion thugh other people's stoes. But, you may ask, what cses violent cme? We should focus on reducing violent cme.

violence is available to all. Some people absorb information in a separate way, while others are vulnerable. How they understand this information depends on their own personal social expeences, such as youth, poverty, discmination, discmination and so on Rebellious, and not often in ethnic minoties, the traditional image of violent cminals is that people with similar personal expeences tend to take their lives for granted? It is not the movies or TV pgrams that people see that tgger violent cmes, but their real expeences.

The government should pay attention to the average ll of people's well-being than the media reports.


媒体暴力问题并没有消失,关于它对暴力犯罪发生影响争论已经被和高中枪击事件中狙击手狂潮所推动,我个人认为没有必要对媒体暴力行为进行,或者可以通过这样做来减少暴力犯罪 媒体暴力在暴力犯罪中是最不应该受到指责,相反,它甚至起到了教育作用,比如广受好评拯救大兵瑞恩,没有人会否认中频繁出现暴力画面提醒我们,刻画暴力行为可以达到艺术和道德目,它使我们生活更轻松。恐惧和愤怒是我们内心深处无法忍受感受,当被媒体暴力使我们有可能通过他人故事恶毒地发泄这种情绪时,会让我们感到沮丧。但是,你可能会问,是什么引发了暴力犯罪,我们应该把注意力集中在减少暴力犯罪上媒体暴力对所有人都是可用,有些人通过单独方式来吸收,而另一些人则更容易受到伤害,他们如何理解这些取决于他们各自个人社会经历年轻、贫穷、受歧视、叛逆,而且不常发生在少数,暴力犯罪罪犯传统形象是那些有着相似个人经历人往往认为他们生活应该是理所当然吗?引发暴力犯罪不是人们看到或电视节目,而是他们真实遭遇,应该把注意力更多地放在福祉上平均水平,而不是媒体报道。


Contact with violence will not increase aggression, but aggression will increase children's preference for violent TV. Observation is considered as a novel aggressive behavior, and indirectly understand that the a child can connect with the le in the pgram, the aggressive behavior will be rewarded, and the likely he / she is to imitate the le's action, not only can the child's action reflect the pgram he / she watches, but also watch the violence Power pgrams can lead to desensitization. It is generally belid that TV habits will have a harmful impact on psycholo.

With the pgress of science and technolo and the increase of violent entertainment, this kind of influence may be devastating. The pictes are and visualized, and the descption of violence is and real. Watching TV has different effects on children of different ages, and children may spend a lot of time in fnt of TV when they are young At the age of o, the pgram has little effect.

A child will imitate the actions of a live model. For example, a parent is not only a model on TV, but by the age of three, the child will begin to imitate the characters on TV. The attitude towards TV will change greatly with the child's life.

When studying the impact of television, we need to consider different points. Some pblems will affect people in different ways. Howr, most parents don't realize that whether aggression is presented in a realistic way or in a cartoon, there is no difference for a child who is hard to distinguish the o GREs.




The influence of the Internet on people's way of communication, the Internet has indeed had such a pfound impact on o life. It has completely changed people's way of life and way of thinking, as this picte suly rals. Two parents are sitting in fnt of the comr, chatting with their children on the Internet.

This is a meaningful picte for me. Becse electnic communication can nr replace parent-child communication, electnic communication can nr replace parent-child communication. More importantly, face-to-face communication is important than face-to-face communication It is conducive to the construction of a harmonious society, becse it pays attention to people's emotions, rather than convenience and quickness.

Therefore, it is necessary for us, after all, that the invention of the Internet is to connect you and me, to bng convenience to o life, rather than to set obstacles so that people can't contact. If we want to maintain o interpersonal relationship effectively, in real life, we should spend money More time to communicate with them face to face, so that we can not only make full use of the communication tools on the Internet, but also make o relationship closer.



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