
发布时间:2023-11-06 04:09:18 阅读:315 点赞:0

关于”学生应该帮助父母做家务“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Students should their parents with housework。以下是关于学生应该帮助父母做家务专八英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Students should their parents with housework

We should o parents do some housework. Students should first o parents do some housework. After a whole day's work, o parents must be very tired.

If we them do housework, they will feel very happy. On the other hand, doing housework not only trains o ability, but also s us to have a sense of responsibility. Thugh housework, we can be aware of it I think it is necessary for us to do some housework.

If students do housework, some parents think it is necessary to do some housework, sometimes it is very important. Housework is a kind of physical exercise, which is necessary for other parents. Howr, it is belid that learning is very important for students.

First of all, they should study at school and at home. Therefore, students do not have to do any tedious and time-consuming housework. I think students should share some housework with their parents.

The reasons are as follows: doing some housework can make students have a certain sense of responsibility. As a member of the family, ry family has a lot of housework. Everyone should do his part, becse the student is a member of the family.

No dou, he is no exception. Doing some housework can give students the opportunity to get to know their parents better. In order to know their parents better thugh doing housework, a student will know his parents How hard it is to raise a family and go to work ry day.

He will work harder in the fute. Finally, doing some housework can give students a chance to exercise, becse students spend most of their time sitting and learning. I stngly suggest that those who do not have the habit of doing housework should start doing some housework now.

Yo parents will be very happy and you will learn some lessons fm it.





Now, we can see some boys and girls living in their own all world. They are immersed in reading and pud of themselves. They think that housework will make them lose face, becse they often think they are noble.

These young people are wng in my opinion. Every student should have knowledge of housework. After all, they will have a family of their own.

They should do their part to maintain a good family. Boys should also learn to do housework, becse if they stay single, what will they do? Not all boys are single, but if they know something about housework, they won't lose anything, but on the contrary, they will get something useful. Becse I said above, we can find some examples of overseas students.

All young people do housework like girls. Some people say that we can hire people. But if servants leave us and leave rything to oselves, what shall we do? We can't leave us naked, let insects and ants eat them, what can we do? We go to study abad, where domestic servants are o soce of income, we have to work for oselves.

Why not start learning to do housework now, or it will be too late, ryone should learn to do housework. What do you think of me, children.





I think children should their parents do some housework. Now many parents don't let their children do any housework. They just want their children to learn well.

I don't think that's ght. I often my mother wash dishes, make beds and sweep the floor. I know my parents better.

They are really not easy. I have learned a lot of life skills. Now, some students don't their parents Some parents love their children too much to let them work at home.

They think that their children are busy with their studies and only hope that they can get good grades in their homework. They think their children don't know how to do housework. But I think students should their parents do housework at home first, so as to cultivate their love for work Help them finally get to know their parents better, and most importantly, it can them dlop their ability to live.



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