
发布时间:2023-07-07 17:43:41 阅读:57 点赞:0



Hello, ryone. I'm very happy to be here. My name is, I'm a year old.

Now I'm a student in school. My favote subject is English. I like sports very much.

English has bught me a lot of fun, sports make me happy. I like this sentence: nothing is impossible, so I always try my best to do rything well and nr give up easily. This is me.

I hope to be fends with you. Thank you for listening.




My youth, my dream, we all want to beli that we have the ability to achi great achiments and realize o grea potential. We need dreams. They give us a vision of a better fute.

They noush o spit. They represent possibilities. Even if we are dragged down by reality, they let us move forward.

The most succesul people are dreamers. Dreamers are not satiied but just plain Yong, bee when I was a little girl, no one dreamed of a life of half done. I didn't dream of a life full of setbacks and setbacks.

I dreamed of doing something big and meaningful. But now, I have become a reality. I have a dream that one day I can have my own company, bee I major in economi, I can when I have a lot of money If I don't take any action to realize my dream, food and dnk will noush my success.

If I don't take any action to realize my dream, food and dnk will noush my success Dream, it will become my childhood fantasy, I dream big, I regret that I did not do anything to get close to it, I always think that when I gw up, I can take some action, but when I really gw up, I forget my dream and my ambition, so I will not escape the task of today and hand them over to tomorw, bee I know tomorw will nr Will come, although my action may not bng success, but action and faile is better than no action, faile is better than no action, the faile of success will not wait for my delay, she will become another engagement, will lose me forr. I will try my best to realize my dream. I won't let it become an illusion.

It's just my dream. Maybe in a few years, it will come true.




My dream career my dream career is not CFO or CEO of some multinational company. I want to be my own boss. I want to start a new company.

I want to be the chairman of my own company. I want to an innovation for the public. The reason why I don't want to work for others is that I want to be the fute.

I want others to listen to me and work for me. I say to myself, I won't do it for money Work, I want my money to work. I learned a lot fm Robert T.

Kiyosaki's book, ch dad and poor dad. I imagine the ch dad in the novel. I will nr work for money.

I want money to work for me. In order to achi my goal, I have to learn how to go in the opposite direction with the public. I need to find a way that no one has ted before.

If I succeed, I will be the first One, if I don't give up now, what I need to do is to study and learn how the society works and some needs and aspirations that the public have not yet met. I am willing to learn rything. The I know, the better I will be.



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