
发布时间:2023-11-29 17:12:31 阅读:49 点赞:0

关于”经历开头“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Beginning of expeence。以下是关于经历开头小学英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Beginning of expeence

How to learn English well is very important and useful for us. My suggestions are as follows: first, we should often listen to tapes, English songs and English movie pgrams are also ful to us; second, we should speak English as much as possible in class, not afraid of mistakes, the less mistakes you make, we'd better join the English club and practice with others. Third, we can read English newspapers and magazines.

It's good for us. We should recite some good articles and keep a diary. As long as we listen , speak , read and wte , we can learn English well.





Yesterday, a long meeting was held in the class. All the students were informed of the safety pblems. Then the summer vacation finally came.

We all felt very happy, just like a free bird, rushing home in a hry. I have been looking forward to such a long vacation. I have studied for a semester and really need to rest some summer vacation plans.

First of all, I want to stay with my grandparents. I always miss them. They always tell me to visit them when I have time.

My grandmother will make me delicious food. Second, I want to read some books I like, such as novels, but I don't have them Too much time to read novels, becse I want to concentrate on learning, summer vacation pvides me with time to adjust myself.




Last month, I started my internship as an English teacher. I met many challenges, which were too difficult for me. But in the end, I overcame all these challenges.

Being a teacher is like a tning point in my life. Becse I have found what I want to do in the fute, I have learned a lot. I can use these expeences to solve my fute pblems.

The expeence I learned fm my internship is very valuable, What impresses me most is that respecting students is just like respecting teachers. They are older than students. It is reasonable for students to respect teachers, but sometimes teachers forget to respect students.

When teachers respect students, students can listen to teachers' words. Therefore, students will respect teachers' hearts. The second thing I learned fm my internship was to teach students at their ll.

It's easy for teachers to let students follow them all the time, but in fact, many students can't understand what the teacher said. The teacher should pay attention to the students' feelings and adjust their plans. Two things I learned fm my internship are very useful for me to be a teacher.



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