
发布时间:2023-06-10 09:04:34 阅读:52 点赞:0

关于”写作谚语“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Wting Pverbs。以下是关于写作谚语托福英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wting Pverbs

Life is betiful and pleasant, but you must learn to enjoy yo good life. If there is no fction, life will be peaceful and stable. Life is a horse.

You de it, it des you. Everything is good. Living for something is like you intend to live forr.

Yo power is infinite. Life is an art that ryone must learn. No People can teach Ellis that people should eat for life rather than live for eating.

Life is an art of drawing sufficient conclusions fm insufficient premise. The grea happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. Hugo, the man who shoots at the moon will shoot higher than the man who aims at a tree.

Only the life that lives for others is valuable. Einstein, we are here It's to add what we can do to life, not to get what we can get fm it. Life is 10% and 90% of what you .

What do you think? My Berlin life without goals is like sailing without a compass. Ideals are like stars. We can nr reach them, but like maners, we use them to guide o cose.

When there is life, there is hope, we are the biggest It's not about nr falling, but about standing up ry time you fall. Oh, Goldith, you nr know what's enough unless you know what's enough. Blake means people worship wealth, great men, glory.

We don't get better or worse with age, but we become and like oselves, Mr. Baker.




A bad beginning makes a bad ending. A bad Bush is better than an open field. A good compmise is better than a good lawsuit.

A bad conscience is a snake in the heart. A bad habit is like a good cake. A bad padlock is better than a bad padlock.

A pickpocket can svive. Everything can svive except weakness. Bad things nr die.

Bad workers quarrel with tools. Bargaining is a bargaining hand A bird is worth o in the bush. A beggar's pse is bottomless.

A bird is known by its note. A man may be known by his talk. A blind man leaning against the wall imagines that this is the boundary of the world.

A blind man won't thank you for a r. A book is the same today. It nr changes.

A book is still closed. It's just a borwed fight A block that can't be preserved by awning; warm parting sharpens love; presence strenens love; one's bden of choice; one does not feel that a bnt child is afraid of bning others and consumes himself; a cat may look at the king; a cat has nine lives; a chain is not stnger than its weakest link; a job is like rest; a happy wife is the joy of life.




Can money buy happiness? Can money buy happiness? Different people have different opinions, some think so, while others hold the opposite view. Indeed, with enough money, one can buy rything one wants and live a comfortable and safe life. Howr, the same fact is that lack of money will cse great pain, which is a common view, that is, "money is the ot of all evils".

The psuit of money dves many people to cheat and steal. In some places, nothing can be bought with money, resulting in a corrupt society. Everyone is miserable.

Money does not necessaly mean happiness It depends on how we use it. If we use money honestly and wisely, happiness can be bought with money, but happiness can be used.



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