
发布时间:2023-07-17 08:47:44 阅读:151 点赞:0

关于”信用卡普及“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Populaty of credit cards。以下是关于信用卡普及专升英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Populaty of credit cards

Credit cards have been negatively affected by the credit crunch of the past few months, which will only lead to de and unfair interest rates. Howr, if a credit card is used correctly and you can keep up with yo payments, they are very valuable in many ways. One of the most beneficial aspects of having a credit card is that it can you.

If you have almost no borwing expeence, then you can impve yo credit score. Using a credit card can to convey to other creditors that you are a responsible and reliable borwer. Another advantage of having a credit card is that it is easier to buy things fm companies, such as hotels in the tou industry, airlines Airlines and car rental companies prefer to pay by credit card.

Some companies simply don't accept cash payment and this convenience. Many credit card companies pvide insance for large pchases. An example is that when XL Airlines went bankrupt in September, a obvious advantage of credit card is also one of the main reasons why people apply for credit card.

Credit card refers to that you are in an emergency If you resist the temptation to spend money on credit cards, you will have a large amount of money to use when you need it most. You only need to pay the interest on the pchase or withdrawal. So it is very valuable to leave the credit card at home (where you can't spend).

What are the advantages of commercial credit card that are easier to oain than credit card? These credit cards can little Business owners save cash and can also buy the equipment and supplies needed to keep the business gwing. According to the svey report, than% of all businesses now have credit cards, and the number continues to se. This is no different fm personal credit cards.

The same warning is correct: commercial credit cards must be used with ction and only for business needs. Although commercial credit cards usually charge an annual fee, they are usually symbolic. In this kind of commercial credit card, there are many advantages are obvious, including: another advantage of commercial credit card is that you can use it to show the gwth of business and pmote the dlopment of business.

Even the people who run family business can get credit when swiping commercial credit card.





Credit card personal credit card is becoming and popular in China. Banks and other financial institutions are encoaging customers to change the way they buy credit cards, that is, the so-called plastic money is being offered on very favorable terms to encoage consumers to change their pchase now and pay later. Many people think that this is an advantage, but people need to be careful about the sks of credit cards.

Some people find that there are sks in credit cards It's easy to get over budget. They're tempted to buy goods they don't really need, and they're quickly overbdened by de. Credit cards usually charge high interest rates, which exacerbate these people's pblems.

Howr, using credit cards wisely can impve people's quality of life. They can give people money to cope with sudden unexpected expenses and deal with them pperly, They can let people contl their expenses, and record their money in monthly reports. My most aded English teacher.




The credit card industry is a new industry that combines traditional financial industry with modern IT industry. It has dloped into a huge industal in the international community, and has maintained a rapid gwth in the mainland. The real sense of credit card standard has realized the rapid dlopment of the number of cards.

The number of credit cards issued in China has exceeded 100 million at the beginning of the year, and the number of credit cards issued in China has exceeded 100 million Good credit card consumer credit function has unique advantages, which solves the pblem of temporary capital shortage of cardholders, impves direct pchasing power, and meets the credit demand of mass consumption in recent years. The external envinment for the dlopment of credit card business in mainland China is the gradual impvement of "gold card" and "golden net" pjects, and gradually expands the acceptance scope of bank card merchants. The government has issued support for mainland banks The personal credit information initiated by the people's Bank of China has been gradually put into use to dlop the credit card industry.

Credit card business is the main soce of pfit for large forei-funded commercial banks. The net retn on assets is generally than ice that of traditional credit business, and the pfit margin is huge, Therefore, the mainland commercial banks should vigously dlop the credit card business instead of the traditional banking business. The credit card business with high gwth and high pfit has a large customer base and bad dlopment pspects.



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