我的英雄英语作文_My hero 3篇

发布时间:2022-06-13 07:13:45 阅读:117 点赞:0

关于”我英雄“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My 。以下是关于我英雄初二英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。


My mother and all the mothers in the world is a very ordinary accountant, I am the apple in her eyes. When I was in the second grade of junior high school, I had a seous chickenpox. In order to get my homework in time, she climbed the window ry night, her limping leg ht so much that I didn't want to let me know.

I really wanted to cry, but I didn't say anything becse I didn't want to embarrass her. We kept the secret Hidden in o warm hearts, maybe she is just an ordinary person. Howr, in my heart, she is my goddess and my .

She stands firmly and watches my gwth. No matter in her age or in my heart, I once thought she was the most betiful woman in the world, much betiful than any fashionable woman, and still is so now.




My father was my . When I was young, he would kiss me ry night and sing to me when I woke up. He made me feel so special.

I knew my father loved me. It made me feel stng enough to do almost rything he was sick. But the stren kept him alive.

He loved his children so much. He gave up years of life to take care of this woman, his wife She will die. He fought against her illness for many years.

Although he had his own disease, he still stood by her side, took care of her and loved her until she died 20 days later. I lost my , my father, who was my fend a few years ago. Life has changed a lot, but the love for my father will not change and will nr end.




My father is my . In my life, he is the father of eight children. He saw his struggle.

When I was very young, he looked very tall. In my eyes, he could do anything, and we all know that he was the person in charge. He was a man with stng body and mind, but there was a kind of tenderness in him.

He ted to become cheerful and kind-hearted Many of the days, when I wake up, people will give me a kiss, sing to me, I certainly miss those days; he makes me feel special, he can sing "Miss Ameca"; I know that I have the love of my father, which gives me the coage to do almost anything; fm him, I learned to stand upght and be pud of me. Stren and determination are the qualities of this good man. With the passage of his life, this power enabled him to svive, coupled with the firm determination to my sick mother get the care she needed for her svival; he loved her and his children, so he gave up years of his life to take care of this woman, his soul mate, his wife, he fought against her disease day and night for many years, and a lesser man would be killed He was still standing by her side, taking care of her and loving her until the day she died.

Twenty days later, his own era was over. I lost my , my father, who had been my fend. Life has changed after a few years, but as father's Day appaches, I will celebrate his name Pray to him and God that he will stay with me, look at me, guide me, and look down upon me with pde, becse I am my father's dghter, and one day we will meet again, but until then, I will remember, and love will nr end.



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