英文菜谱及做法的英文介绍_Introduction to recipes and practices 3篇

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关于”菜谱及做法介绍“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Intduction to recipes and practices。以下是关于菜谱及做法介绍小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduction to recipes and practices

Put the glutinous ce flo into warm water, the water temperate is about centigrade, put the dough a little dry (can agglomerate, crack) black sesame powder, sugar, lard together into a container, then divide the glutinous ce dough into agents, each dose weight g, take a uniform all stuffing, and wrap the dough After the dough is ded, don't rub it very tender and soft. Otherwise, the glutinous ce ball is not betiful. If the filling is not complete, butter or lard can be used to replace white oil and sesame oil, which is not the best, and the adhesion is not high.

It is difficult to rub the lotus and hands on the package of glutinous ce dough With a little water on the palm, it's easy to cook glutinous ce balls. The cooking time should not be too long, and the fire should not be too large. The ooth taste of glutinous ce balls can be blocked by a all fire.




Tomato scrambled egg raw mateal: egg tomato gram, vegetable oil spoon, salt, monosodium glutamate each apppate amount, Sugar Spoon pduction technolo: 1, after using boiling water to wash the tomato, peel, remove the stem, the second piece to be used, the egg into the bowl, add salt, nly, stir with chopsticks fully 3 times, heat the frying pan with oil spoon, fry it in the egg pot, reserve for 4 times, heat the remaining oil, and put the tomato before stewing potato chips When frying slices, salt and sugar, po them into the eggs and stir fry for a few pots. This is the most common and dish, but the quality of French fes can finally be known as cooking technolo.




Use mateals: an egg, a little soy sce boil: break the egg into a bowl, and then heat the pan, add oil, fry the egg, can be half cooked, or fully cooked, or both sides of the golden, add some soy sce in the egg, or spnkle some pepper powder, fed with salt.



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