
发布时间:2023-04-20 14:47:21 阅读:86 点赞:0

关于”美德重要开头“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The importance of virtue begins。以下是关于美德重要开头专升英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The importance of virtue begins

As for the definition of tonomous learning, scholars at home and abad have many definitions of tonomous learning, but they are basically similar, which can be summazed as: Based on the dlopment of self-consciousness, "can learn, based on students' learning motivation is the internal basis of learning", "based on the basis of students' masteng learning strategies", and "learn" on the basis of learning and self-determination efforts to summaze the achiments of domestic and forei scholars According to the research results, we found that the basic characi of tonomous learners are as follows: pposefully clear goals, learning attitude, learning to learn, understanding value, actively planning and arranging their own learning, can learn selectively, can accately choose learning content, swim in the ocean of information, have a keen sensitivity, capte and understanding of information, and can effectively send Present, collect, oain information, pcess and can learn oginality does not meet the ready-made learning results, or content can be independent thinking, thinking, multi-dimensional fm different angles to understand the same thing, and put them together, or creatively used to adapt to the new situation, new pblems, and constantly expand their own Learning vision, have self-awareness and contl ability to their own learning motivation, interest, strate and learning results. You can find that you are very sensitive to pblems or pblems in learning. You can take targeted meases.

You have a good vision and imagination for yo fute life and study. You have the desire to realize yo ideal and sense of responsibility. You can adapt to yo own life, understand the rules and follow them They should be a gup, have gup intention and interpersonal communication ability, respect each other with gup members, consciously undertake and change their les in gup activities according to individual needs, and participate in the construction and maintenance of learner community in active learning to build entity learning gup or online learning gup.




The importance of accessoes do you think you are not fashionable? Have you r thought about how to keep up with the new trend if yo answer is yes, don't worry. Many people think they must dress in a certain way. Fashion is a reflection of yo personality.

Don't let other people's opinions affect yo way of dressing. It's important not to force yoself to choose yo fashion. You may not be able to inhet a new one If it doesn't suit yo personality, fashion should be fun, so don't be so afraid to try new styles.

If you don't have the coage to try a new wardbe, accessoes are the solution. Just change yo accessoes, you'll save money, and then you can keep up with the la trends. Adding accessoes like bags, belts, hats, scarves or jewelry can really change yo face For example, a pair of jeans and T-shirt can be made into different clothes, suitable for different occasions, sports style is very popular, you may want to wear baseball cap and sweat band accessoes, or bng a sports bag to add some charm, you can use silk scarf as a belt, or you can wear jewelry, such as metal bracelets and some hanging earngs, which will make yo appearance attractive Whatr style you choose, keep in mind that fashion should be fun and, most importantly, it should be about you.




The era of globalization has come. Trade, information dissemination and cultal exchange are the only way for any country to svive. Therefore, internationalization is the way for modern people to svive.

To be outstanding, one must have an international vision and have oral communication skills. Howr, the most powerful country today is the United States. Amecani is the universal language of the world Only by studying Amecani can we be qualified to enter the international world.

If people do not have a good ability of Amecani, it is a very seous matter. After all, Taiwan is the allest island that can accommodate than 10000 people. Only by relying on international trade can we maintain people's lives.

It is said that the country in the world that uses traditional Chinese is Taiwan, so we have to rely on it The limit of o stren has nothing to do with the inherent advantages of internationalization. What's , people can rely on their own efforts to find a dazzling sky the day after tomorw and iite Taiwan's name, so that people all over the world can realize that knowing Taiwan is like recoizing the United States. The economic acle and technological vanguard technolo in Taiwan are once again unfolding, which condenses the past The stng wind won it.



标签: 英国英文名  女孩英文名  宠物英文名  王者英文名 

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