英语给老师的一封信_A letter to the teacher 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-03 01:13:51 阅读:93 点赞:0

关于”给老师一封信“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:A letter to the teacher。以下是关于给老师一封信初中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A letter to the teacher

Dear Miss Liang, I am wting to thank you for yo for yo efforts. A year ago, I made great pgress in my study. My academic record was very poor.

I didn't want to study, but you nr gave up on me. You told me that as long as I worked hard, I would be very art. I will be great this year.

You care about my study and me a lot when I make mistakes, You always point out mistakes and me correct them. My study is much better than before. I want to express my thanks to you.

I hope rything goes well, lily.




I am wting to my teacher, dear Miss Bwn. I am wting to express my heartfelt thanks to you for yo concern for me in the past o years. First of all, I'm so moved by yo seous attitude towards teaching and the attitude of o students.

You inspire and pmote me to study harder and harder. Secondly, I fall in love with yo English. Under the influence of you as a science and engineeng student, I always think English is not good for me, but you me find the magic charm of English, make me know a completely different world, and finally formed Different ways of thinking, when I encounter challenges or difficulties, yo continuous encoagement supports me a lot.

Everything you say will become a good thing in the end. If not, not ry time. I am encoaged to keep on going.

First of all, thank you again, and please accept my sincere thanks and give you the best wish.




Dear teacher, I am wting this letter to tell you my plan for the next semester. I intend to study harder and harder. In the next semester, I will especially impve my English ll.

I will take notes carefully in class, listen to English songs and watch English movies. I will also focus on grammar class. It is necessary to study other subjects.

I will try my best to achi my goal. I will nr give up this It's my plan. I'll get up early in the morning to do morning reading.

I'll preview and review. I'm se I'll get better results in this area next time. To be honest, yo name (I wte it myself).




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