日记的英语怎么读_How to read the diary 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-26 07:25:19 阅读:185 点赞:0

关于”记怎么读“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:How to read the diary。以下是关于记怎么读八级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to read the diary

Sunny September 1 September 1 September 1 September 1 September 1 September 1 September 1 September 1 September 1 September 1 the morning of the first Satday October 2 October 2 Satday March March windy March Tuesday 7:00 this morning is tree planting day. All the students in o class meet at the gate of the school. We go to the park, Miss Gao and other people, teachers and us Work together.

All the students work very hard. We plant trees on the trees. Although we are dirty and tired, we are still very happy.

On Wednesday, March 1st, I joined the English corner of o company. Three months ago, many colleagues and foreiers also participated in the activity. This activity was held in the conference om on the sixth floor.

We practiced spoken English, We talked about the things we were interested in and exchanged o expeence in learning English. Frankly speaking, this is a good opportunity for us to impve o spoken English. Moreover, I can make many new fends.

I like this kind of activity. I will try my best to learn English.




I have a pig in my savings box. It's a cute little pig. It's white as snow.

It has a red pattern on its back. It's very fat. It looks like a ball.

It has a big mouth and a all nose. The tail is very short. There are fo stng lesothes.

I forgot to tell you that there is a hole in its back. It's not a real pig. It's a savings box.

I like my little pig very much Feed it with my allowance. The pig was lghing. It seemed to say thank you to me.

The pig was getting heavier and heavier. One day, it was full of money. I was very sad becse I wanted to donate money for the 10th Beijing Olympic Games.

I had a sweet dream. The money I saved was sent to Beijing. It was grandma.

I went to visit her with my uncle. Every morning, we take some presents and go there by bus. Grandma and uncle were very happy to see us.

We gave o presents to grandma, and she was very happy that we sat down and chatted. When we prepared lunch, it was delicious and we all enjoyed it very much. We said goodbye and came back.






In the red and plump season of crab and Tan Guixiang, I also ushered in the school's annual track and field s. Good morning, we were facing the cool tumn wind and the sound of marching feet. At the opening ceremony of the upcoming Universiade, he told the school leaders that the school sports meeting would be officially held.

When the first class party started the high jump competition, we quickly cheered for them and saw that we should The jump athletes Heng Gang, may not be able to reach a foot, with the "metal Bang Bang" sound, the first time to o jump failed to encoage, he finally jumped to the third place, when the is about to end, the class "old class" for their class athletes applied for records, Hengg station to a meter, please note, but the athletes may be too tight, can not take off, put the last The opportunity left him a day of sweating, who would like to fail. Last time, he couldn't skipping Hengg, so he didn't have a record, but he also got the first good result, and o banned athlete also won the third place.



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