
发布时间:2023-01-20 08:53:29 阅读:91 点赞:0

关于”运动问题有“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:What are the pblems with sports。以下是关于运动问题有雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What are the pblems with sports

Job interview in order to make a good impression in the interview, you need to prepare for the interview. You must have enough time for the interview, so before the interview starts, you should give yoself a little time to relax. When you walk into the om, the impression you make on yoself is very important.

Try to find out if the company or the company has a dress code, and then try to dress according to their rules. You also need to plan that in some interviews you talk a lot about what you are going to say, while in other cases you only need to answer a few questions about yo education and expeence. You need to be prepared about yoself, yo studies, yo strens, yo reasons for applying for the job and the salary you expect.

You can also ask yo own questions, and yo questions will show up in the interview Officer, you have carefully considered this position. You can ask this question: what responsibilities do I have in my work? Will I be allowed to participate in the health insance pgram? Does the company pvide continuing education opportunities.





This picte tells us some people's attitude towards secity issues, becse their views on secity issues are one-sided, and they iore these pblems in real life. In fact, just like the blind people in the story of "the blind and the elephant", secity issues are rywhere nd us. Therefore, this picte shows that some people are very wored about their safety pblems, but they do not Think intelligently.




Address of the company Dear Mr. / Ms. , this is my formal notice to you that I will resi as a mechanical engineer fm Morningstar (date), which will be the last day of my employment, and I have been very satiied with my o years at Morningstar.

I decided to take this action to pmote my career. O pject and local community gups inspired me to psue my 's degree in mechanical desi The degree was not an easy decision when I was a child. When I was a child, I enjoyed working with ryone and learned a lot.

I really appreciate the opportunity here. I am sorry for the inconvenience and will try my best to hand over my crent pject on the last day of work (please let me know if you need my ) I really do I sincerely wish you and the company success (si here).



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