
发布时间:2024-03-11 03:18:45 阅读:42 点赞:0

关于”给老师元旦邀请函“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:New year's Day invitation to teachers。以下是关于给老师元旦邀请函xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:New year's Day invitation to teachers

Every day is a new day, happy ry day, forget yesterday, ry day is fm another angle of the body, money, happy baby, yo lessons are still ing me, yo words are still fresh, yo life is so deep waving my life, give my favote teacher a sweet and lovely wish, I wish you in the new year we will not forget you I'm looking forward to yo class on the festival. After the new year, all of you students wish you a happy new year. May you be as happy as we are.




I hope all of you who volunteer to join me as the president of the student union. The new year is coming. We hope you can come to the party.

There are many activities. If you can come, you will know very good XX. You are free to dance and sing on New Year's day.

Welcome: students work hard for the new year's party. Gentleman's Day is new year's day. We are very glad that tex Student Union plans to recruit some students who can perform on the stage.

The new year is coming You are o English teacher, you are o he, and we hope you can give poty to dancing. Please let me know if you can join us at 7:00 on Satday ning. This week, we will hold a new year's party in the school ditoum.

Li Na, we will hold a Yundan party in o class. We would be very grateful if you would like to join us. If you come here, we would like to have Yundan sohtech Many pgrams I think the best is that the boys perform hip-hop dance, and the most betiful is the most interesting modern dance performed by girls.




Dear students: in order to enhance the communication beeen teachers and students, o teachers and students show their own style. At the coming of the new year, the new year's day of XX year of o school with the theme of "Chinese family" will meet with the teachers and students. We sincerely invite you and yo parents to attend the new year's party and look forward to yo coming.



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