
发布时间:2023-01-24 13:42:28 阅读:132 点赞:0

关于”保护遗产“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Ptection of hetage。以下是关于保护遗产高一英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ptection of hetage

We should ptect and ptect cultal reli, becse they represent the history, tradition and quality of a country or society for many years. We should respect and learn fm the past expeence and dlop a better fute. When the government takes action to ptect cultal reli, on the one hand, it should ense that the ptection of cultal reli does not hinder the dlopment of a modern and better society.

The government should consider the value of cultal reli and not always sacfice cultal reli for the sake of modern dlopment. Only in this way can we realize cultal hetage while ptecting cultal reli and modern dlopment Mateal ptection and modern dlopment are the guardians of human hetage. Let's ptect o culte together.




When he was young, Al was a skilled artist, a potter. He had a wife and o good sons. One night, his eldest son had a seous stomachache.

He thought it was just some common ininal disease. Neither he nor his wife took the illness seously, but it was actually acute appendicitis. That night, the boy died suddenly, and he knew if he realized it The sty of the situation, death is avoidable, Al's emotional health deteorated under the heavy bden of his guilt, and soon his wife left him, leaving him and his six-year-old son alone.

Al couldn't bear the ht and pain of these o situations. He asked for fm alcohol to him deal with it in time. Al became an alcoholic motel om.

Alcohol told me O love is very important in o lives, and it's a good legacy for us to pay attention to ininal disease, acute appendicitis, alcoholi, and alcoholi, as alcoholi goes on, Al begins to lose rything he has - his home, his land, his art, rything, and finally when I heard about Al's death, he died alone in a motel om in San Francisco, mine The reaction is the same as the world's disdain for a man who has no substance to pve his life. "What a complete faile." I thought, "this is a total waste of life." as time went on, I be to reassess my earlier harsh judent. You see, I know that Ernie, now an son of Al, is the kindest, most cang and loving man I have r seen One of the people, I know, I look at Ernie and his children, see the love flowing freely beeen them, I know kindness and care comes fm somewhere pay attention to the contempt of the temperance Motel I haven't heard Ernie talk about his father's being too difficult to defend an alcoholic one day, and I got up the coage to ask him, "I'm really a little confused," I said, "I know basically, yo father is the only one "The man who raised you up, what did he do? You became such a special person." Ernie sat quietly and pondered for a moment, then he said, "fm my earliest memory as a child, until I left home.

In Al, ry night, he would come into my om, kiss me a kiss, and say, 'I love you, when I realize how stupid I am to judge When Al was a faile, I couldn't but cry. He did not leave any mateal wealth, but he was a loving father, and he left behind one of the best and most dedicated people I know.




Cultal hetage is a very important resoce. It is an important way to understand ancient civilization and an important resoce to study human civilization. Cultal hetage is an important indicator of national dlopment and an important reference for the study of other animals and plants that distinguish ethnic or regional differences.

Remains and other hetages have a better understanding of the history of human body structe and better understand their own understanding of natal hetage, We can realize the difference beeen the ancient and the present, realize that they have csed great damage to the envinment on this planet, and call on people to ptect the earth. Of cose, there are ancient buildings that let us have insight into the incomparable wisdom of o ancestors. In short, if we want to achi success in life, cultal hetage has an indelible impact on the dlopment of , we should ptect culte Hetage, actively repair the damaged hetage of human civilization and contbute to dlopment.



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