新学期的英语计划_Plan for the new semester 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-11 09:34:43 阅读:127 点赞:0

关于”新学期计划“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Plan for the new semester。以下是关于新学期计划高二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Plan for the new semester

The new semester is coming again. First of all, I will have a study plan to impve myself. I will finish my homework seously and pay attention to the knowledge I don't know.

Secondly, I will read a lot, baden my knowledge and try to combine the o to practice. I will learn to adjust and become active and ful. This is my plan for the new semester.




(the new semester plan) is a new semester, so I must first have a study plan to impve myself. I will finish my homework seously than before. Secondly, I should pay attention to the knowledge I don't know.

I will do a lot of reading to expand my knowledge and try to combine these with practice. Finally, I will learn to adjust and become positive and ful, which is what I will do in the new semester.




The new semester is coming again, so I should have a study plan to impve myself. I will finish my homework seously than before, and pay attention to the knowledge I don't know. Then I will do a lot of reading to expand my knowledge, and try to combine the o to practice.

Finally, I will learn to adapt, adapt to be active and ful. This is my new study What to do.




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