
发布时间:2024-01-12 10:52:26 阅读:81 点赞:0

关于”帮助朋友“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Help fends。以下是关于帮助朋友考研英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Help fends

When we have tubles, we will natally find someone to talk to. O first choice is fends. We won't talk about them in fnt of o parents, becse we don't want them to worry that o fends are so important in o life.

We have many fends. We will share o happiness and sadness with them. We go out together.

In short, fends are a part of o life What happens if a person has no fends? We hear fm the news that cminals are isolated by others. Most of them have no fends. Their views on the world are distorted.

They have no fends. People have no place to release their emotions. Long term depressed emotions can distract people fm normal life.

So fends are very important. We can't live without fends. As time goes on, it becomes and important for ryone to learn to relax.

How to learn to relax ryone, you should do yo best with yo family and yo fends. Besides, you can do whatr you want to relax yoself, such as doing some exercises. In addition, you can sing or dance to relax, as long as you try to change it, nothing is impossible S + vs + V + OS + V + O1 + OS + V + O + O + link-v + P here is + s+.




How can we make fends? First of all, you must be fendly to others, ile at others, and you will be rewarded with a ile. You should try to make a stranger feel at home, no matter how he thinks about other people, not yoself, nr judge people by their appearance, nr trust those who leave you when you are in tuble, and nr leave you when yo fends are in tuble. Remember, a fend in need is a fend.

Fends should be loyal to each other. As long as you put the interests of yo fends ahead of you, you will have many good fends.




Dear worry: I heard that you are wored about yo English learning. I think you will not be upset. It is not very difficult for you to have the ability to study hard and impve yo English, but you need to spend time on it.

It is also important to understand some habitual expressions and sentence structes, such as asking someone to do something. I think you can orize some expressions and then make sentences, which will you a lot Help. Another important thing is that reading information is good for yo study.

I also stngly suggest that you should recite some good paragraphs sincerely.



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