
发布时间:2023-05-09 09:24:31 阅读:85 点赞:0

关于”以亲情为题“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:On the subject of family affection。以下是关于以亲情为题四级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:On the subject of family affection

Deep maternal love (ry child is sunded by deep maternal love, howr, we often tn a blind eye to love. One day, I deeply felt love. One day, after school, I hed home for lunch, becse there was an exam in the afternoon, I wanted to go back to school early to prepare for the exam, but when I got home, the lunch was not ready, I was not happy when the food was served, and I ran out of home angry I saw a lunch box on the table.

A clasate told me that it was my mother who bught it here. After opening the box, I found that my favote food was wet in my eyes. My mother gave me her love without asking for retn.

How deep is maternal love.




2:论亲情主体,Deep maternal love ry child is sunded by deep maternal love. We often tn a blind eye to love. One day, I deeply felt love.

One day, I came home to have lunch in a hry after school. Becse there was an exam in the afternoon, I wanted to go back to school early to prepare for the exam, but when I came home, lunch was not. I told me angly that when my clasates had not prepared lunch, I I ran into my lunch box angly.

When I found that my lunch box was not ready, I ran into my desk angly. When I saw that my clasates were not ready, I found that my favote food in my eyes was wet. My mother gave me her love without asking for retn.

What a deep maternal love“.




3:以亲情为题,In the past, the Spng Festival was very important to Chinese people. People could not often eat meat, ce or other delicious things. They could only eat them ding the Spng Festival.

Every year, they hoped that the spng festival would come soon. Although people's life was better, we could eat delicious food ry day. People still like this festival becse most people can have a long holiday and we can travel freely OK, visit o fends or get together with o family in the ning.

We can have a big meal in the restaant or stay at home with o family and watch TV pgrams. I like spng festival very much. How wonderful the Spng Festival is.



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