
发布时间:2023-07-06 13:52:20 阅读:112 点赞:0

关于”读名著好处“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The benefits of reading classi。以下是关于读名著好处四级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The benefits of reading classi

When we were very young, o parents have begun to cultivate o interest in reading novels. It is very important to read books, becse people always say that there are pceless treases in books. If we can find classic books, it is necessary becse on the one hand, they show us a lot of knowledge.

We can baden o hozons and ench o thoughts. Classic books can be presented to us The common idea of classic novels is to descbe the gwth pcess of the ptagonist after reading books. We know that when we encounter difficulties, we must be stng.

The key to success is nr to give it to others. We can impve o expression ability when wting articles. We are tubled by structe and vocabulary, and we can comply with it It is important to betify o articles by following the structe of classic novels and good vocabulary.

Good reading skills show o personality. A person with good wting skills is easy to be favored by others.




The benefits of reading ancient books China has a long history and culte. Thousands of years of history have d many famous wters and poets, and numeus classic works have been handed down. As Francis Bacon said, history makes people wise.

Witty mathemati, sule natal philosophy, pfound moral and solemn logic and rhetoc can compete with the study of Morse's "knowledge is" When I was young, I recited a lot of famous poems such as the Three Character Classic and the Analects of Conius. When I read them, they gave us a fresh and elet feeling, which also made people fresh and fresh. The mance of the Three Kingdoms in a dream of Red Mansions, the water margin and other fo famous novels in the West bught us many interesting stoes.

There are many kinds of ancient books Meaning and useful methods. For example, in the military book "the art of war", many people have used this method to read fm my favote books, like reading ancient books. I like to play in the sea of books, follow the footpnts of o ancestors, and understand the true meaning of life.




The dlopment of modern science and technolo makes people's life complex. Therefore, people should choose and easy life instead of using technolo. To what extent do you agree or disagree? The reason for yo answer, including examples fm yo knowledge or expeence, is that the pgress of modern technolo is people's lives comfortable, but also those who enjoy technolo less humane.

The advantage of technolo is that there is no better time to live than now, but for others, life has become and complex and stresul. The pblem is computing Will machines and new technolo like the Internet be o servants forr, or will they ntually become o s? All inventions d by technolo are desied to be slaves of human beings. If human beings have not been enslaved by machines, we are ordinary people, but we have to change us before we establish contact with comr machines and technological s For better or worse, we can realize that life is complex becse many modern technologies were not born to meet the main needs of , and many "unnecessary" inventions are having a negative impact on the relatively way of life in the past.

Therefore, there is an overwhelming complexity in the behavior of machines. It feels that human beings and human behaviors are just like machines. Becse bots and other "intelligent" machines can complete many useful jobs, they are widely used to replace human beings.

Although many people are unemployed, those who can't use comrs are in a disadvantageous position. Therefore, in traditional skills and life, intelligent machines such as bots are widely used to replace human beings They will nr come back when their way of life gradually disappears.



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