
发布时间:2023-05-27 16:55:16 阅读:252 点赞:0

关于”未来家园“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Fute home。以下是关于未来家园小学英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Fute home

I live in a lovely family. There are three people in my family. My parents and my father are police officers.

He works in the police station of o city. He is always busy with his work. He often travels.

He will tell me something about his work. Of cose, they are not dangeus people. My mother is a pmary school teacher she teaches mathemati and she used to be my teacher.

She is always fendly and patient with students. She doesn't have to work overtime, so she has enough time to take care of my parents. I love them very much.





Each of us has a home, and we love o own home. But you know, we have a common home, that is, o earth is a very betiful home. She is like a blue pearl moving slowly in the vast universe.

She has blue sky, green grassland, golden sand beach, maificent mountains, dense forests, vast land, vast ocean, running Teng River, ch mineral resoces thughout the year, in the mountains, cliffs, there are all kinds of plants lush, pple emerald in the Green Valley, a crystal clear stream in the vibration of dingdong cyclotn, some betiful days are gradually disappeang, become morning, the air is covered with dust tall chimney in black oke, work The waste water fm the factory pollutes the clear ver. Why? It's becse people don't pay attention to envinmental ptection and don't ptect her. We also learned the story of a all village in the article.

The article also warned people to take meases to ptect the envinment, maintain ecological balance, and not cut down the forest excessively. Otherwise, you will cse seous consequences and human punishment. We like the eye care of mother earth If each of us can start fm oselves, fm the things nd us, and make contbutions to envinmental ptection, o home will become betiful and pleasant.




My dream family says the ideal life is the ideal life. I don't think my dreamer is very big, but it must be very betiful. There are at least o gardens, one in the fnt and the other in the back.

There are many flowers in my garden. When I get close to my home, I can ell the fragrance of flowers and there are many kinds of fruit trees, so my family can eat fruit all the year und. There is a big living om.

There are many desserts on the coffee table. I can have snacks with my fends. I can eat desserts while watching TV.

All the oms should be clean and betiful. You don't think my dream is very good. This is my dream home, but I miss me I think my dreamer is not very big, but it must be very betiful.

There are at least o gardens, one in the fnt and the other in the back. There are many flowers in my garden. When I get close to my home, I can ell the fragrance of flowers and there are many kinds of fruit trees, so I can eat fruit all the year und at home.

There is a big living om. There are many desserts on the coffee table. I can have snacks with my fends.

I can eat desserts while watching TV. All the oms should be clean and betiful. You don't think my dream is very good.

This is my dream home, but I think I am My dream life will become my dream home. Some people say that the ideal life is the ideal life. I think my dreamer is not very big, but it must be very betiful.

There are at least o gardens, one in the fnt and the other in the back. There are many flowers in the garden. When I am close to home, I can ell the fragrance of flowers and there are many kinds of fruit trees, so I can eat fruits all the year und in my home It's a big living om.

There are lots of desserts on the coffee table. I can have snacks with my fends. I can watch TV while eating desserts.

All the oms are neat and betiful. Don't you think my dream? Good. This is my dream home, but I think my dream life will come true soon.




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