
发布时间:2023-04-09 10:43:30 阅读:67 点赞:0

关于”用写一家读书“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Wte a book in English。以下是关于用写一家读书xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte a book in English

Beowulf is the oldest poem in English and the most important sample of Anglo Saxon culte. The main story is based on the folklore of the pmitive northern tbes. Beowulf was the nephew of King Hyatt who lived in Denmark.

He defeated the monster who attacked the hall built by the king of Denmark. Beowulf became king of Kiat. He died bravely.

This is a pa poem, which shows us the whole picte of tbal society.




My favote book is Harry Potter. I think it's a very good and interesting book. It's good for us agers.

I love reading it becse it's full of science fiction, it's easy to understand, and it's the most interesting book I've r read. I know that as a ager, we should be confident and brave, so we should love and ptect o children. Fends, we all need fends.

We all need to get along well with o fends. If I have the chance to learn some magic, I would like to be a ager like Harry Potter and do some magic. This is my interest and I do it The most important reason why I like reading Harry Potter.




This book is a very good book. It is about the life story of a poor child living in China. It is about how he lived and svived in such a bad envinment and conditions.

I was moved by this story. The thor uses many betiful words in this book. His wting style is very exquisite, which makes the story much interesting.

In addition, the inside of the book The content and plot are very wonderful. This book is worth reading. I hope you all like it.



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