
发布时间:2022-10-07 01:38:19 阅读:131 点赞:0

关于”学最好方法“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The best way to learn。以下是关于学最好方法初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The best way to learn

How to learn English first, you should speak English in class after class and talk to yo class in English as much as possible. You can ask yo teacher and class for . If you don't know, you should wte down the grammatical mistakes and wte down the correct spelling or grammar next to the mistakes.

You should listen to the radio or read newspapers to listen and read, try to remember the words ry day, so you can compare them ry day English is an important language. You want to know how to learn English well. In fact, you can learn it thugh the following steps: first, speaking English is the best way to learn English.

You can speak English as much as possible with yo clasates and teachers. Even yo parents should speak English aloud, which will make you confident. Secondly, read some English Magazines and novels can you impve yo English quickly; you can also wte some English diaes or compositions in English; thirdly, watching English movies or TV plays will give you great fun, and you can also listen to some English music which is ful to yo listening.

These music will be very interesting and you will like it, becse it can make you relax. Fothly, in yo free time and TV sees, you can enjoy it Yo partner discusses some difficult English pblems and reviews new words.




It is reported that than one million Chinese are learning English in China, than the total population of the United States. Howr, the Chinese should stve to impve their English as a whole. The common way to impve English learning is first of all, learning English interest and persrance is a long and arduous pcess, only interest can make you insist on learning for beginners, at least half an ho of learning time is necessary, and, morning and ning are the best learning time, reading English oginal works, listening to English mateals in line with the English ll, which is the most learning thentic English Good method, it can you think in English.

Third, speak English bravely. Many Chinese people's English is dumb English, becse they can listen, read and wte, but many of them don't speak English, becse of the mistakes in face, they are last but not least embarrassed. Practice makes perfect.

They should practice listening, speaking, reading and wting, cultivate a good sense of language and make English learning achi To sum up, if a person wants to learn English well, he or she should be interested in learning English and dare to learn it.




(the best way to learn English) this morning, I asked my English teacher how you learned Chinese as a child. Think about it, you will find the answer. I don't remember how I learned my mother tongue, but I still remember the way my little cousin learned to speak.

He listened to what others said and ted to imitate what he heard when he was o or three years old. Now he can express himself in language At the age of five, he can speak perfectly. He is using language, thinking in language and speaking in language.

If I use it, I can understand that English seems not so difficult all the time. I will soon learn that it is the best way to learn a forei language.



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