
发布时间:2023-12-20 06:42:24 阅读:65 点赞:0

关于”学校以前变化“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Previous changes in school。以下是关于学校以前变化小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Previous changes in school

My betiful hometown my hometown is the waist, a large population, in the mountains, there are many flowers and trees, but one season, the mountains are full of colorful flowers, really betiful mountains and vers, betiful mountains and vers, I feel really after rain, the whole village is marked with blush, wonderful I just miss it. Imagine that the children in the village are really lovely, but the children in the family, a family People like their CLD to bng happiness to their CLD. How can I envy them? I can only look at them silently and ade others in the blank corner.

My village has undergone earth shaking changes. Basically, there are the following: the village is sunded by mountains, people plant trees, and a ver flows thugh the village. In recent years, great changes have taken place in the village, and there are workers in the village Factoes, hospitals, schools and shops, the living standards of the villagers have impved o village, which is betiful, ch and pspeus.

Please pay attention to it. I hope you can enter my village, my life and my world.




Changes in school life when I was a freshman, I used to adapt to normal life, bee in my mind, other people's school was bong, as I always knew, it should be different fm the pgram I watched on TV. I think if I worked harder than anyone else, I shouldn't have changed anything. I spend ten hos ry day on things in school, but nothing special.

But since I found out that I fell in love with music, rything has changed. I met a person I always miss, my music teacher, Han, Mei Mei.




O school was rebuilt last year. Dung the holiday, we planted poplar trees aund the campus, built a new painting classom, replaced the desks and chairs with new ones, and put on TV. Now o school is very betiful.

I love my school. There are many students in o school. O school has mathemati, English, Chinese, music, art, sports and so on.

O teachers are very fendly to us, although they are all to us The subjects are very stct, but we like them very much in class. They teach us knowledge. After class, they often play football, table tennis, volleyball and other s with us.



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