
发布时间:2023-02-20 04:40:47 阅读:96 点赞:0

关于”成秘诀“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The secret of success。以下是关于成秘诀初一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The secret of success

Once I asked my father what the secret of success is. He didn't say a word. He just wte a few words on a piece of paper and handed it to me.

I looked at the paper and said, "a = x + y + Za = x + y + Z." I asked "a stands for success. My father explained that" x stands for effort, y stands for good method, Z means you must stop talking and start working. "Axyz yes, since then, I have done my best better.




Believing in oselves is the secret of success. Fm the moment we are born, o destiny has been determined. This is the beginning of o childhood life.

When we gw up, we go to school and are full of ciosity about rything in the world. We tend to understand the function of the world that we start to think about, and sometimes question the life of the next thing we know, We are gwing up, the world is changing, and o lives are changing ry day. At this special moment in o lives, we think again whether what we have done in life is success? We are ch, whether we are happy and start to flash back.

The memory of the brain dominates us. We reflect on oselves, why we are not succesul, we are not ch, why we are not happy, We need to ask how to be succesul, how to be ch and how to be happy. One of the main technical success is to start fm yoself.

If you don't beli what you can do, who else, if you don't care about yoself, who else will beli in yo feelings and beli that you can do it, as long as you stick to the idea, nothing, No What can prnt you fm succeeding in the fute is ahead of you. This ad is called faith.




Get to know the om, get familiar with where you are going to speak as soon as possible, walk nd the lecte area, and practice using a micphone and any visual . Now, when the dience reaches them, it's easier to talk to a gup of fends than to a gup of strangers. If you are not familiar with yo mateal or uncomfortable, yo tension will increase.

Practice yo speech and revise it if necessary. Practice to relax tension. Imagine yoself speaking, imagine what you're saying, yo voice loud and clear, and when you imagine yo success, you'll succeed in realizing that people want you to be succesul, and that diences want you to be fun, exciting, informative, and entertaining.

They don't want you to fail. If you mention yo nervousness or apologize for any pblems you think you have in yo speech, you may be reminding the dience to pay attention What they didn't notice. Focus on information rather than the media, take yo attention away fm yo own anxieties, and on the ace, for yo message and yo dience, yo nervousness will dissipate, tning tension into positive ener.

Masteng yo neal ener and tning it into ener and enthusia, gaining expeence and building confidence is the key to effective speech. Toasts Club can pvide you with the expeence you need.





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