
发布时间:2023-04-23 00:57:41 阅读:297 点赞:0

关于”报告“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Sales Report。以下是关于报告中考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Sales Report

Now you can see advertisements in bars, buses, newspapers and magazines, TV screens and amusement parks. It is and difficult for you to resist the attraction of color advertising. There are many words to say about supporting advertising.

First, it pvides information to tell customers what is available in the and the difference beeen one pduct and another. Second, all kinds of activities and ozations get it With financial support, we will have to pay for newspapers and sports s. The best advertisements and n entertainment advertisements have also made considerable efforts.

Therefore, in most cases, photography is a real art, and slos are really humous. Howr, the situation is really interesting. Commodities are not always as good as advertised, becse commodities are It's completely influenced by advertising, and has too much trust in advertising.




In this year, mateal composition and age are not closely combined. People think it is "faile". I do not agree.

Chinese wting is not a political issue, nor a technical issue or a histocal issue, but a pblem of students' thinking and expression. Therefore, we should keep up with the trend of the times, but there are some philosophical themes. This will be a trend of wting mateals in the fute This trend also exists in the article.




U.S. to sales Detit's three major to makers, general motors, Ford and Chrysler, have lost consumer confidence after being hit hard by the global economic csis. The csis has also exposed the inherent pblems of the three major pduct portfolios, which lack the la engineeng and extensive research and dlopment.

In addition, most of their sales include pickup trucks and SUVs, rather than fuel-efficient cars like all cars. Consumers are beginning to like this skewed portfolio. As the government pmotes the gwth of ener-efficient and envinmentally fendly vehicles better than its local competitors, Ford's early response to the consumer shift fther exacerbates this skewed portfolio in Detit With the recovery of global and reozation of pduct portfolio, the sales volume of Ford Motor Company (especially Ford Motor Company and general motors company) in Ford Motor Company reached million at the end of the year, while the annual sales of general motors company and Chrysler company increased to 10000 vehicles, reaching 10000 vehicles Lincoln and mercy brand cars, get d of Volvo cars, while general motors focuses on the fo core brands of Chevlet, Buick, C and Cadillac, and withdraws fm Satn, Hummer, Pontiac and saaboford.

Ford decides to expand its luxy Lincoln sees at the cost of its eliminated mercy sees. In the next few years, many all cars, including Lincoln, are planning to expand intduction.



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