
发布时间:2023-05-20 17:22:05 阅读:481 点赞:0

关于”保持心情愉悦重要“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The importance of maintaining a pleasant mood。以下是关于保持心情愉悦重要高三英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The importance of maintaining a pleasant mood

I beli in the percentage theory, half of the time things are better than normal and the other half are worse. I beli that life is like a pendulum. It takes time and expeence to understand what is normal, which gives me an angle to deal with the spse of the fute.

Benchmark parameters yes, I will die. I have dealt with the death of my parents, the death of a best fend, a beloved boss and a beloved pet, some of which are violent or slow and painful in fnt of my eyes Bad stuff, it belongs to the bottom.




With the dlopment of economy, people's living standard and consumption ll have also been greatly impved, but at the same time, people's domestic garbage is also increasing, especially in the community envinment where we live. We can see people who litter rywhere. Although there are cleaners facing this situation, what can we do? Of cose, what we can do is to ptect the health and envinment of the community Becse this is o common home, it is ryone's responsibility to ptect it.

If we don't, we will get diseases and pollution that are harmful to o body, so that o home will become cleaner and betiful. We will give o parents, children and neighbors a healthy entertainment. Let's work together to serve the community health,.




It is very important for us to keep a good mood. It can us to study and live easily. But how to keep a good mood, first of all, always ile, ile can us to be happy.

Second, don't be so angry, try yo best to forget yo mistakes, do something for others, people in tuble, you will always feel good.



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