
发布时间:2023-06-02 16:13:29 阅读:86 点赞:0

关于”快乐xx月份“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Happy June。以下是关于快乐xx月份四级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Happy June

In this part, you can wte an essay entitled "college students in the job " in a few minutes. You should wte at least a few words according to the outline below. In China, no one fails to notice that the goods are packed in combustion boxes or bags.

We can find an example on the easea minicomr. It is packaged in a well-desied plastic bag with vaous patterns and colors pnted on it. What are the reasons for this? In order to oain economic benefits, a considerable number of manufacters usually pack their pducts with unnecessary but attractive mateals in order to attract customers' attention and stimulate their cuosity On the other hand, it stimulates their desire to buy.

Quite a few customers think that the delicate the package, the better the quality. Howr, this concept also pmotes the trend of over packaging. The appearance of over packaging has csed many undesirable consequences that can not be iored.

On the one hand, it is a waste of precious and limited natal resoces, on the other hand, it will also pose a potential threat to o fute generations We beli that in this case, we should first take artificial packaging meases rather than excessive packaging meases. We should lnch a public education campai to make consumers realize that packaging is not equal to quality, and let them know the adverse effects of packaging. Only in this way can we put an end to this trend.





Note: for this part, you can wte a news report about the volunteer activities orized by yo student union to the elderly in the community to yo campus newspaper in a few minutes. You should wte at least one word, but not than one word. The first part should wte minutes) Note: for this part, you can wte an article about you in a few minutes You should wte at least a few words about the local farm visit orized by the student union, but not than one word, I will wte for minutes) Note: for this part, in an activity orized by the student union to visit hope pmary school, you can wte a news report in the school newspaper in a few minutes.

You should wte at least a few words, but not .




My name is Li Ming. On June 1, I took part in the love pject activities. All of us are collecting expeence and mate red css society, hoping to become a laboratory for encoaging and practicing moral behavior under the conditions of socialist economy, building a harmonious society, opposing money worship, gastnomy and wild individuali, so as to make young people with ideals, morality, knowledge and discipline "New people", to realize the all-und dlopment of human beings and the comprehensive pgress of society.



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